The Seducing Plan

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Good morning Upper East Siders, time for the daily dose of your Gossip, prescribed by me, Gossip Girl. Monday has rolled around again, along with a new party. You'd think we'd take a break after the Black and White dance from last week, and let's hope that Little A isn't still heartbroken over Chuck from it. After all, he is now with Blair Waldorf.

Good luck everyone, and don't forget to survive.

I rubbed my eyes, attempting to awaken my self from my precious sleep. I removed my hands from my eyes and let them drop to my side, leaving me in a position similar to an awkward starfish. 'I don't want to go.' I thought to myself, although I knew I needed to go to school. But, I simply did not desire to. Not after that party. Not after Chuck instantly sleeping with his best friend's girlfriend- Well, ex-best friends now ex-girlfriend. But, I still felt betrayed. Right after I confessed my feelings, I get left with, well, nothing! Well, except for a broken heart. 

I looked up to my white colored ceiling, letting my thoughts wander. Why? Why am I always left in the dirt? Why am I always the second choice? As each question ran through my head, I began getting even more frustrated, which lead to tears free falling out of my eyes. I reached my hands up to my eyes and wiped my tears away with my bare skin.

As I finished wiping away my tears, I finally decided to get my crap together and to get dressed. As I do every morning, I go to my closet, I pick out my school uniform along with a few accessories, and then I eat breakfast. Once I finished my morning routine, I headed out of my penthouse and began walking to school.

While about two minutes into walking to school, a notification ding sounded from my phone. I checked the notification, only to notice it was a gossip girl blast on Chuck and Blair kissing. Intensely. I first looked at Chuck in the photo, wishing it was me in it instead, and then realized Blair didn't magically get erased from the image and replaced with me. Feeling sad and a bit grossed out, I shut off my phone and practically threw it into my purse, not wanting to see that picture any longer. Few people from the other side of the street noticed my odd behavior, wondering what such an innocent little classic school girl was getting so upset about. To answer their question, I really didn't know. To be perfectly honest, I probably shouldn't be getting jealous, since he's with someone and it's been a full week ever since that kiss. 

I continued walking down the street to my school, once again knocking into something along my way. Part of me wanted it to be Chuck, while the other half didn't want it to be. But, as they said, he is a true womanizer. With small hope, I looked up, seeing that it was once again Chuck Bass. The hope I had left inside of me shriveled up once I saw him. He fully turned to me, as a light smile grew on his face once he saw me. But, instead of me smiling back, I frowned without any control of my face. 

How was I supposed to react after he kissed me like I was the only one in the world as he confessed his so-called feelings for me, only to turn his back and have dirt with some random chick? But, even after that event, he still has the need of a human being to smile at me, almost as if nothing had even happened? I thought this as I looked up to him, letting my thoughts take over. Then, I began to think of a plan.

Maybe, I could trick him into liking me again and let him want me, only to leave him in the dirt and embarrassed like how he left me. 


QOTD: Who is your favorite GG character?

Word count: 677 in all

I hoped you enjoyed!

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