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I struggled atop an abyssal ocean of night, shadows encroaching upon me from all sides. Paralyzed, my body refused to budge no matter how I attempted to coax it. My mind ran frantic as dark figures drew closer, wavering and melting, flickering out of existence before violently dissipating, as if shunned by the very void that sustained them.

My thoughts were frenzied, a stark contrast to my body laying limp as a doll. Had I been in the land of the living, the silhouettes would be blatant trespassers. However, swaddled in the dark, I could hardly assume this was any live being's abode.

Suddenly, a flickering light bloomed into existence. It glinted and shimmered into the crevices of the penumbral creatures, undeterred by the sheer nothingness embracing it. With as much of a start as my unmoving body could express, I realized that the light was emanating from me.

After much strain, I managed to inch my head upwards and gape at my flaming abdomen. Strangely, the fire was not feeding off of me. It came from within me. My mind, even in it's raw, primal state, understood that it was my soul.

With the aid of my waning fire, the contiguous being's features were finally illuminated.

They revealing painfully familiar faces. Mutilated faces.

I gasped out, trying to shout, apologize, repent, but I was constricted by a tightening within my throat. I knew they neither could nor would hear my attempt at atonement, and yet I selfishly mouthed words of despair at them over and over.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

My gaze frantically darted between them as they gathered around me, hissing in otherworldly voices. Without warning, I was abruptly plunged into the depths of the deathly void. It was as if the vengeful arms of death itself had wrapped its spindly fingers around my waist, dragging me to my end.

Under the darkness, my flame struggled and flailed just as my body refused to. Despite its ferocious efforts, the black smothering water was relentless. I arched my back, writhing in excruciating pain, and yet was afforded no mercy as I felt my life be extinguished. The entirety of my being was constricted, and the nothingness seeped into every pore of my body. It slithered down my throat as I attempted to scream, to call out, my mouth gaping to no avail. My skin prickled, and the hairs on my body stood on end as if to escape from my skin as I faded into nothing.

My body jerked up and my eyes flashed open, and I felt my lungs inflate as I gulped down the soothingly fresh air. Still unsure of reality, I felt  around my dark surroundings to rub against soft cotton blankets and sheets. My muscles relaxed and I exhaled in relief as my eyes adjusted to the familiar sight of my bedroom.

Sighing, I laid my sweat sheened head back down, knowing that sleep was not a refuge I could return to. I reached my hands up to rub my eyes and crease my hair behind my ears.

This dream has plagued me for years.

My actions, my unforgivable crimes.

The oldest blood on my hands.

My first victims.

My kin.

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