Chapter 26- The Trip

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Marinette's POV

We don't make a noise as we speed down the Highways and Freeways of France. Night replaces day and the street lights are the only things that keep us from driving in complete darkness. No cars were to be seen except for the many that were on the side of the road. Chat and I talked about it, and we decided to believe that they calmly parked there when Hawk Moth took control instead of thinking that they crashed.

I'm glad we're alone on the road thought. I felt free on this bike, and I owned the road. As seen with the attempt of me driving my mom's car, I can't drive anything to save my life, but strangely, this bike felt familiar. I knew what all the buttons did and I can drive this bike like a pro. I even did a few tricks when I got extremely bored. Chat must be feeling the same thing because he keeps trying to show off to impress me as well.

Since I had to lie down to properly maneuver my bike and I couldn't really see past the handles, my helmet was connected to the front of the bike, that apparently has cameras, to show me what I couldn't see. In front of me is a screen with a map on it, showing me the way to Toulouse. It says that we're an hour out and that we've been driving for four hours, which is great since we thought we would be driving for six.

"Hey ladybug." Chat practically shouts. We've been driving for quite a while in silence, so his sudden voice echoing through my skull made me nearly fall off my bike in surprise.

After collecting myself I answer "What Chat? Do you want to play another road game or something?" I ask a bit annoyingly. Throughout the ride, we would play some road trip games out of boredom, like the alphabet game -where we would try to find letters on exit signs and buildings- and name that toon- where we would have to name the song that we were humming. It got quite fun and probably passed an hour of the time, and we couldn't think of anything else to play and the games got boring after a few hundred rounds.

He chuckles "No, no. Although I love playing games with you, I think we should stop somewhere soon. My map here sais we're about an hour away. Seeing that Toulouse will probably be overrun by Hawk Moths minions, I think we should find a hotel or something that's close to Toulouse, but not too close. Fu said that we will be completely out of energy when we get off our bikes, so don't you think that we should stop and rest before we go off and try and save the day?"

"Hey, those are our friends you're calling minions you know." I say. He had a point though. I've been thinking about Fu's warning for a while now. I don't feel like I've lost any energy, in fact I feel great, but Fu said that we wouldn't feel the effects until we get off our bikes. I hear Chat snigger. "Fine, yes. I guess you're right. Where do you think we should go?" I ask.

"Don't worry my lady, I've already found the perfect place." He says. So that's what he was doing through our silence. Chat is currently riding in front of me, so I sent him a glare of daggers into his back.

"We're not sharing a room." I say, a small smirk forming on my cheeks.

"Man, why are you always trying to push me away my lady? We both know that we'll end up together in the end anyway!" He says. I roll my eyes. I like the thought of me and Adrien, but I continue to play my part in his game.


"Alright, alright. Fine. We're not sharing. We are going to be neighbors though, at least." He says.

"That's alright with me." I say. I think of the memory of me and him snuggling at his house that one night. How I want that to happen again. Honestly, if I was honest, I really wanted to say yes, and earlier, I really did want to tell him my identity, but for some reason, a little tiny voice in my head told me otherwise (I bet it was Tikki).

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