Once Upon A Time...

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There was a barbarian prince, both loved and feared by his people. He ruled over his land, and saw himself to every aspect of it's administration, the one condition to his just and fair rule was this: that none of the laws applied to himself.

In all other ways he was fair and just, and the people adored him for it.

One day he stood in the garden of a young widow. They discussed the rate of taxes, and the susessful growth of this season's crops. She took a liking too him, and was very quickly willing to prepair the bed for him to spend the night with her.

As she left to set up the bed chambers he gazed upon the young widows daughter. She couldn't've been more that 16 years old, and her beauty was striking. The prince stood behind her, watching her pick berries from a bush. She was likely the most beautiful woman in the land.

With a sad sigh he took the greataxe from his back and with a single slice cut the girl down.

He looked over the girl's dead body, lying in the grass. He thought back to a time before he lived like this, before he was the Prince of this land.

Once he was a proud adventurer, renown for his generosity as much as for his vanity. He would hunt down any monster who's name he heard on the wind, and would set sail to aid any country that might pay him handsomely enough.

He sailed very far once, and came to a land where before his gods were worshiped a great beast named Zeus. He's was beset on hunting it down.

Eventually he traced Zeus to an abandoned tavern far in the countryside, and against the advise of many locals, he stormed the home of a god.

He fought hard, and Zeus was almost impressed by this mortal, but alas no man can stand against the thunder of Zeus.

The adventure fell to his knee, and zeus layed upon him a curse.

"For your vanity and foolishness I will grant you fortune, gold, and and entire fleet to sail under your flag; every night you shal enjoy the company of a new woman..

But never can you sleep with the same woman twice. And every night you must also slay a woman, so the whole world will hear of you wrath and cruelty."

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