The truth

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A/N:  Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the reads and votes I will try to make this chapter longer than the last hope ya'll like it. FYI That is Alex in the Pic Love you my lovelies.


Alex's POV:

I am talking to my friend Zayn when I smell her walk by. I can't help it so I turn to see what she is doing and I see the new guy with her. My wolf takes over and it all happens in a flash I pin him to the wall next to the lockers beside Alexis. I finally regain myself and get in his face, "Don't you ever fucking talk to her again you understand Sanders we don't accept other alphas messing with our females," I look over at Alexis and she holds her shoulder and backs away afraid of me, but I am too angry to notice as I shove her into the lockers. She whimpers and I yell, "What are you now? The new pack whore?!" she starts to get shaky and turns pale. The next thing I know she hits the ground and the smell of copper hits me like a ton of bricks . 

I step back horrified of what I have done, and everyone steps away from me with disgust. I watch as Kyle runs to her. I turn my eyes toward her as she reaches and touches the back of her head tenderly and whimpers as she pulls it back and looks at her fingers. The way her face crumbles in udder hurt kills me as I fall to my knees and she passes out. 

Kyle picks her up and runs out the building with most of my pack following him. I just sit there in

my own self pity as I see Zayn out the corner of my eye. Zayn walks towards me and punches me in the face.

"What the hell Alex how could you do that to her?!?!?!" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt and slams me into the locker. "Man that is not just your sister but your mate! What is wrong with you?"

He gets in my face and I just let him. He throws me toward to exit where she went and I slip as I step on the blood on the floor I scurry away from it. "Go to her man you need to get over it she is our future Luna and you could have possible just killed her." I stand up and nod once and leave.

' YOU HURT MATE HOW COULD YOU?!?"  I hear my wolf yell at me. I just ignore him and start to remember the day I first found out she was the one.



It is our 14th birthday and I got Ally a present. She has always been upsessed with big teddy bears, so I got her a big brown one with blue eyes. I tell my dad and he just smiles at me and nods. Then I feel this horrible shuddering pain rack my body and I yell out in pain.  My father runs up to me and grabs me before I crash into the floor and he runs me outside and I see his eyes fog over meaning he is talking to some one in the mind link, but that is soon forgotten as the pain comes smashing back into me. I scream again and my mom shows up then I feel my bones snapping and reforming . My eyes widen in horror as I realize I am shifting  for the first time. I yell out one more time as fully shift.  

I hear an oddly familiar voice enter my mind, ' Hi Alex I am your wolf Alexander I am so pleased to finally meet you I know it hurts but we will get use to it soon ok?'  I just grunt as I try to stand on shaky legs and try to walk around. I look at my father and walk up to him and realize I tower over his 6'4" figure. He smiles proudly at me then touches my head with his hand I wince as the soreness of the shift settles in. I shake off his hand and walk around a bit getting use to the feeling. I feel so free I start to trot through the woods then I burst into an all out run. I howl in excitement and look over to see my dad's wolf running next to me. I still tower over him how is that possible? 

I mind link him and ask, "Dad how am I so much bigger than you?" he just smiles and runs fast. I smile and it is like something in me clicked and I feel this surge of energy rush through me. That is when everything started to blur as I ran faster and faster I jump over a log and stop at the waters edge. I look around as see that I am at the edge of the territory.  I walk to the edge and drink the water something then catches my eye and I stop just looking at the water. I freeze mesmerized as glowing blue eyes stare back at me I then shift to the side so I can see my wolf, I yelp and jump back. What the fuck?!? What am I? 

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