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"Wake up Bitch!" A gruff voice woke me from my deep sleep.

"What do you want sir?" I asked as I picked myself off of the cold concrete floor.

"I want you to help my son do his homework slut! That's why your still alive isn't it?!" The chief hissed cruelly in his Spanish accent.

"I will do sir." I told him and hurried off towards the Boss' son's bedroom.

I knocked softly and quickly as I reached the boy's room.

"Come in." The familiar voice of the only nice person to me here, told me sweetly.

"Hi." I smiled smoothing down my ragged bland grey shirt jumpsuit as I entered.

"Hi Jess." The Boss' son Javier smiled kindly.

"Your dad told me to help you with your homework. I'm guessing it's English." I smiled

"Si." He replied in fluent Spanish,

"What's it this time?" I asked sitting next to him on his kingsized blue sheet covered bed.

He looked at me with his amazing stormy coloured eyes, short light brown messy styled hair, his nice coloured light brown sugar coloured tan.

"Numbers." Javier simply replied...

The sweet and sour memories of that time suddenly faded to the back of my mind; the light drowned out the past's pain.

"Jessie? Can you hear me?!" A deep familiar voice asked softly as I felt a strong pain in my face.

My hand instantly swooped over to the pain cupping my cheek.

"What happened?" I asked Kai who was standing over me worriedly.

"You've been out for two hours. The girls got worried so they called me and Niall. The others are still talking with the FBI, CIA and MI6. They're worried about yours and the girls safety." Kai told me as he helped me up from the floor.

Vanessa was sat hugging Niall with a worried look on both their faces, while Phoebe was sat on the rocking chair anxiously rocking herself.

"What else happened?" I asked worriedly,

"You started to scream about a boy cal-" but I cut Kai off,

"Javier." I sighed depressed,

"Yes." Kai replied simply.

"Phoebe, Vanessa I have to tell you guys something." I told them guilty hanging my head.

Both girls looked up worriedly again.

"Is it the reason why the gang wants you?" Phoebe asked,

"Yes." I told them simply.

"What happened?" Niall pipes up,

"Javier saved my life....-" I smiled tearily,

"Javier died saving me. And now they're back." I sobbed.

"How?!" Vanessa asked.

"He told me he loved me..."

The Loner's Laments.         (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now