Friday Nights

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AJ Styles: Emily was spending Friday nights at her home as usual, all of her friends were out of town. She was going to get something from the kitchen until someone knocked on the door. She walked over and was surprised to see the one and only AJ  Styles standing at her door step. Emily questions him " What are you doing here?"  AJ replies "Wanna share a pizza with the greatest guy you have ever met?"  Emily responses "Yes, please come in". The couple spent the whole night talking, eating pizza and enjoying each other company.

Finn Balor: Finn has planned a night in with Sasha at his comfortable house. Sasha has been at my house before, so I was really excited for her to be back again. She told me her typical Friday night would be watching wrestle mania and eating junk food. This is hard for me because my abs are like rock and no junk food has went in, but for her and one night I will let it slide. At 7pm, the door rings and it's Sasha. She enters my house, and  we sit in the living room, where we just talk and I admire how beautiful she looked tonight. We ate pizza and watched her favourite Wrestlemania 20, with her hero Eddie Guerrero, then we watched No Way Out where Eddie won the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar, then our last film was NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, where she and Bayley stole  the show and I faced Kevin Owens to retain the NXT Championship. Overall, I enjoyed having Sasha around me, and it's been one of my favourite nights.

Seth Rollins: I had a Saturday off, so I asked Natalia if she would to come with me to Chicago Bears game. I know  she's not into sport, but I just want to spend sometime with her before I head out to the euro trip that I will be attending in about 2 weeks. The game starts at 3:30, so I'll pick her up around 1:00, so we can catch lunch somewhere close by, then head out. I knock on her door and she's looking beautiful in her outfit. I drove us to the nearest pizza place and ordered a pepperoni pizza. We had a great time talking to each other, then we went to the game which was fun we were on the kiss cam, which I kissed her and she was blushing. After I took to my place where we enjoyed the rest of the day.

Kevin Owens:  I invited Trish over for dinner at my house because we both just want a quiet Friday night and just spend to get to know each other again. She's coming over to help cook Alfredo pasta. After I got all the indigents out, Trish came over and we both were having the time off our lives cooking. making fun, telling each other stories  and drinking red wine. Trish, is a wonderful human being and I'm really glad I ran into someone like her. I had a wonderful night.

Neville:  I and Annabella are both fans of jazz music, so I though why not take her too a jazz club and have a nice wine and dine for the evening. I picked her up, we went to the jazz club, we sat at the back because I did not want to be recognized all I want is a good time with Annabella. We are having  a great time at this club, but she had to go because off work, which I completely understand, so I drove her home. I had a really good time tonight, but one thing Annabella does not know about me is that I was married  before and this is the first time in 4 years, I get to enjoy myself as a single man, so I want this relationship to work. I just have to find sometime to tell her about it. 

Enzo Amore: I'm a guy that loves shoes, but I want to take Deanna out to dinner and the New York Rangers are in town and I figured since we are both lovers for sports why not take her out?  I took her out to Applebees, it's a friendly environment and very close to the arena as well. Now we are on our way to the game that she loves, and I'm currently trying to figure out the whole game of hockey. Deanna is explaining to me, but I'm so confused on what she's saying because all I was doing is listening to her beautiful voice. The New York Rangers won and I finally understood the game hockey and it is more exciting then basketball. After I dropped her off at her house and we said our goodbyes. really want this relationship to work, because it will help me forget about Liv Morgan and move on and hopefully settle down in the future, I feel that I finally met the one for me.

Big Cass: For our Friday night date, I'm taking Gabriella to bowling. She called I asked ''what are you doing Friday night?'' She responded ''Nothing'', then I said ''Let's go bowling.'' And she agreed. I'm picking her up from her place then we go together. I drove to her house and she was standing outside her door and I hooked and she got in. On the way there we talked about our lives, families and so on. At the bowling place we she won against me a couple of times because I let her win, but next time I won't go easy on her. This has been the best night of my life, and I'm really starting to like her a lot.

Dolph Ziggler: One thing that I know about Leslie is she loves horseback riding, so I'm taking her there, then we will have a picnic under the stars. First of all she has no idea we are going on this trip, which makes it even more exciting for her. So I picked her up from her house and we drove along the highway and once we left the city, she started asking me ''Where are we going? We left the city about an hour ago? Why are you not answering me?'' I responded with a smirk and replied ''Its a surprise.'' After another 45 minutes, we get there and she is more surprised then anything, she says "OMG you took me to horseback riding, I love it, thank you so much." Ziggler just smiles. The instructors taught us all about the horses and how to ride it and so on. Soon enough it was our turn to ride and we rode our horses separately, then we rode one horse together with her behind me holding my waist. After we thanked our instructors, we went for a walk and that's where I set up the picnic and she was thrilled about it. We enjoyed each other's company and to say I had the best Friday night date ever.

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