James..... you're an Idiot

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Harry and Ginny Potter had gone to Ministry Party. They didn't want to go but...... it was 'necessary' to go (as stated by Hermione Weasley Minister of Magic).
Hermione and Ron, George and Angelina, Bill and Fluer, Percy amd Audrey, Luna and Rolf and Draco and Astoria had left their kids in Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley's hands.

"Teddy make sure none of the kids go into Harry's study please..... oh and Lily needs her milk remember to go to sleep..... an-" Ginny explained before she got cut off.

"Ginny I know what I'm doing just calm down... I'll tell the kids not to go into Harry's study and remember to give Lily her milk. Ok? Now go you'll have good night!! Stop worrying!!" Said Teddy.

"Bu-" she tried arguing but she got interupted by her husband.

"Ginny they'll be fine but we'll be in trouble if we don't go soon! Come on!!" Harry called to his wife.

After a few minutes of goodbyes from Ginny she FINALLY left the Potter Manor.

"FINALLY!! I thought mum would never leave!!" exclaimed James with a smirk on his face.

"James.... what are you planning??" Teddy asked with an exasperated sigh.

"Nothing" James answered quickly.

For most of the night he was kinda truthful. Albus was reading, with Scorpius at his side, who was listening intently to Rose's speech about quidditch. Fred and James were in the corner whispering and probably planning an awesome prank..... or are they?? Roxanne, Molly and Lucy were talking about..... BOYS!?!? Well their parents won't be happy about that....
Moving on Dominique was just talking with her younger brother Louis about stuff. Hugo was having an intense wizard's chess game with both of the Scamander twins and was surprisingly winning. Lastly Teddy and Victoire were snuggling and watching the kids with happiness in their eyes.

Unfortunately the couple were too busy watching the younger kids, they didn't notice that James and Fred had left the room.

"Psst!! Fred!!" Whispered James.
"What James?" Whispered an annoyed Fred.
"We are nearly up their we just need to open the door!" James whispered back.
The two boys entered the study and were now searching for their marauders map....

Unfortunately before they could find it they heard a "James!!" And a "Fred!!".

They knew that if they didn't grab something cool looking they wouldn'thave this  chance to search through Harry's study again. Sooooo...... James grabs a gold necklace thing then stuffs it in his pocket and Fred finds the Marauders map then stuff it in his pocket. They  run out of the study and down the stairs. They walk camly into the living room and state ,when they see everyone staring at them, "What??"

"James?" Lily asked cautiously.
"Yes?" James asked back.
"What's in your pocket?" Albus asked picking up what Lily was gonna ask.

"What?? Oh!! This? I don't know!!" He admits as he takes it out of his pocket.

Teddy, who realises what is says "James!! Give it!! That's a time turner!!"

"Cool! Well if you want it then catch it!!" James said as he threw it at Teddy who tries to catch but fails.... miserably. The time turner falls on the floor and the sand spills out causing the Weasley's, Potter's, Scamander's, Malfoy and Lupin to get sucked through time.


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