Chapter 1

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It was a cold December night as I stepped out of my little flat in the heart of London for a walk. I loved it here in London especially the nights. The streets were quiet because of the sub zero temperatures and the occasional snow flake would fall on you. I had only been here for a month and I was already in love. I had moved over here from Australia when I finished school. Lets just say my parents and I did not agree on my future. When I told my parents what I wanted to do they were totally adamant to the idea. I guess they had to change their minds when they found out I was on a plane to London.

*Beep Beep* My phone buzzed in my back pocket. Usually I don’t take calls on my late night walks but this was an exception. It was my big brother James, he is 3 years older than me but acts 3 years younger. We are best friends and have always been. To quote our favourite movie Forrest Gump, “James and I were like peas and carrots” There was and never has been, sibling rivalry or hate between us. Some people think we are twins they way we look and act around each other. We have matching wavy sandy blonde hair. For me it reaches my mid back but for him it falls loosely around his face much to my mothers distaste. Our eyes are also exactly the same, big and blue. 

“Laura!” Said the familiar voice on the other end of the phone. 

“James! It is so good to hear your voice!” I said back. I missed him so much. He was always there for me if I was having a bad day. He would suggest the best thing to cheer me up. Like a couple of months ago a bit before I graduated I found out that my parents were trying to get my now ex boyfriend to propose to me. I was abolultly furious they would even think of doing that. So he suggested we run for as long and as hard as we could then take it out on the boxing bag. It helped. 

“Awww I know you have missed me so much! I am your one and only!” He said in a sarcastic voice

“Yes, you are!” I said laughing. 

“Seriously Lo. How are you?” He said a serious voice. 

“I’m good. I am. I mean it’s hard getting use to everything here and trying to make friends but really I am good. I’m happy” I replied truthfully. Before I moved to London, things weren’t good. I found out my boyfriend of 3 years had been cheating on me with my best friend. My life really felt like I was in a drama series. My boyfriend cheated on me, I lost my best friend, and my parents had plans for me that I didn’t even want to do. So one night I snapped. I was sick of everything and everyone so I decided to book a one way flight to London. 

“Ok” He said warily. I could tell he was worried about me. 

“I am fine James trust me.”

“I know, I know. But I want you to know I can get on a plane anytime. No matter what I am doing I will be there for you.” 

“Thanks James.” I said gratefully. I was really happy to have someone like him in my life. We talked for another hour and I continued to walk around London. When we finally said I goodbyes I hung up and realised I was in Hyde Park. One of my favourite parks in London. The only problem was I had no idea where I was in the park and what direction my apartment was in, “Shit” I said under my breath. Well, I am here now I may as well walk in one direction and hope for the best. 

After half an hour of walking I was achieving nothing, I think I could be going in the wrong direction. Because it was the middle of the night I couldn’t see or find any of the signs to show me the way out. “OMG” I said to myself before sitting on a bench and putting my head in my hands, “How the fuck do I get out of here?” 

“I could show you?” Said a voice to my left. I think I jumped a couple of meters in the air when I could see a figure sitting beside me. My instant thoughts were I am going to get mugged, raped and murdered. Goodbye Laura. 

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