Chapter 2

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( l/d ) = light/dark
( s/c ) = skin color
( H/l ) = hair length
( E/c ) = eye color

No one's point of view

"( Y/N )-chan, ( Y/N )-chan! I got the wood!"

The said girl turned to the spiked haired teen who she soon figured out that his name was Gon. She smiled at him as she pointed at the fire pit that she made earlier before dealing with the pot full of cut up vegetables and meat.

"That's great Gon! Just set the wood in the pit, I'm almost done setting the pot."


And as that, Gon staked the wood in the pit while ( Y/N ) was finishing up her own job. While those two were making supper, the other four males were just sitting back as they stared at the female, who they themselves soon discovered that her name was ( Y/N ).

By only a short period of time they spent with the female, they only had one word to describe her.


She was just a big mystery to the males. Why? First, she were a girl, and they're boys, true that they encountered girls before, but they never encountered one that was like her before. Second, before even getting out of the city, she made a small request to them all to never say "I wish" around her. When they asked why, her only reply was

"It's...... personal reasons......"

Killua who was clearly not satisfied by the answer, huffed and put his hands behind his head as he continued to watch the two make supper. While watching, his mind went back to that girl's little request. He was curious as to why he couldn't say that, it was, by all means, just words to him, so why not say it? Why should he care what the girl feels? Why should he listen to her? They only met just today, so why should it concern him? And to answer his question, he didn't know.

"Ne, Killua! Come on! The food's ready!"


The said teen snapped out of his thinking to look around himself, to only find that the others had already left to eat their portion for the night. Sighing as he got up, he walked to where the others was. When he reached to them, ( Y/N ) shyly walked over to him with a rather large bowl compare to the others besides Gon. What surprised him though was when she smiled at him, handing the bowl to him.

"I-I heard that you and G-Gon like to.... e-eat a lot..... so I made the both of your bowls bigger......"

Killua narrowed his eyes, looking at the girl suspiciously.

"Would you stop with the act already? Why are you being all nice? We only just met today."

Taken back by the sudden questions, ( Y/N ) looked at him wide eyed with raised eyebrows. She didn't understand why he was asking her that. Why he ask? Why? Isn't it supposed to be normal to be nice to your friends? Isn't it supposed to be normal to be kind and gentle with your friends? But what does she have a say in this? After all, this is her first time having friends in such a long time.

"I..... I'm being nice because...... because I want to be...... and besides...."

She lowered her head as she looked down at the bowl that was Killua's. Killua raised a eyebrow in question at her statement now.

Because she wants to be? Did she honestly think he would believe her with that answer? Sure, he'll believe that from Gon, but from anybody else, he'll need a lot of proof to believe that. Killua opened his mouth to say something to her, before ( Y/N ) suddenly looked up, wide ( E/C ) eyes staring right back at his ocean blue ones.

Killua's heart skipped a beat.

He stared at her eyes. Those ( E/C ) orbs that seemed to shine so bright by the reflected light of the moon, they seemed to twinkle even. Just like the night sky, just like the stars that shined through the darkness that comes after the sun is down. What took his breath the most was how he saw so much happiness, hope, and joy that were in them.

"I finally have friends! I'm so happy, I can't stop smiling! This is one of the best days of my time in this world! And I want to thank all of you for becoming my very first friends in my entire life!"

After hearing all of what the female just said, most of the males eyes softened at the girl's statement, except for Hisoka, his was just the same stare.

"Uh...... Killua....? Are you alright? ..... Killua?"

Killua didn't reply, as he was in a trance, staring at her. His eyes gazed at her ( l/d ) ( s/c ) that glowed hollow like in the moonlight, the way her ( h/l ) would bounce in every movements she made.

And those eyes.

Those ( e/c ) orbs that held so much emotion, that would be almost entirely impossible. He took in every detail of her features from a single hair to the tip of her shoes.

Killua didn't understand why he was looking at her like this, that's for sure, but he did know one thing.

( Y/N ) was beautiful.

Of course, he was to proud of a ego-holic to say it, but yes, he thought you were beautiful. He didn't know why, he didn't understand it either, and he didn't like this one bit either. You two literally met TODAY, and he already thought you were beautiful? That's just crazy in his own opinion. Love at first sight? Bullshit. He can't be one of those kind of people, can he? Can he?

While he fought in his mind of what he was thinking, ( Y/N ) took a tiny step forward, concern building up as she looked at Killua more. Moments pass by as Killua is quiet is starting to bother you, and you finally shook his shoulder a bit.

"Ki....... Killua....?"

He blinked a couple of times before looking at her, shaking his head as he took the bowl.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."

He said as he sat down to eat.

"Oh..... okay....."

You smiled a bit as you turn to get your own bowl to eat, but before you did, you heard Killua say

"Thanks ( Y/N )......."

You didn't look back at him, you didn't need to as you smiled happily.

"You're welcome Killua."

You heard a scoff, but smiled anyways as you made your bowl, but, without you realizing it, Killua was blushing only a bit as he ate your cooking.

What a wonderful night it is, huh?


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