Author Note

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Dear Wattpad readers,

I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you.  Writing is lonely business.  But my time with Wattpad has made it so much less lonely.  Your comments, your votes, the time it took to let me know how much you enjoyed getting to know my characters, was as welcome as a warm breeze is after a cold winter.

I especially loved it when you let me know I made you laugh.  Humor is very subjective, so knowing I accomplished this task was the best.  While writing is my career, there’s a part of me that writes, probably for the same reasons you read.  To escape.  To feel connected.  To make new friends.  In this case, not only did I bond with my characters, but I feel as if I connected with all of you.

As a writer I’m often asked deep, difficult questions by prospective readers like: “What do you consider to be the take-away value of your books?”  I took that question to the hot tub with me to ponder.

Below is a list of things I’ve tried to accomplish in all of my books, things that I hope you found in Gotcha!

A fresh view of the lighter side of life.

At least one good laugh-out-loud moment.

A good tug on the heart strings.

Characters you can root for.

A mystery to solve.

The message that a dog or cat can make our lives a little less lonely and make us better humans.

Escape from the everyday stresses.

A reminder of what it feels like to fall in love—yes, I mean passion!

A book that’s hard to put down.

A nod to the importance of family and friends.

Gotcha! was serialized for most of November 2013 and then made completely available from November 22, 2013  to Jan 24,2014   The plan was to introduce myself, my writing style, and meet all of you wonderful readers.  And as wonderful as it has been, for now, our time is up.  Gotcha! is available as an e-book wherever e-books are sold.   As a writer, I work with two different publishers as well as write independent books that my agent helps me make available to as many readers as possible.  I hope to be back soon at Wattpad with some other works, both as Christie Craig and C. C. Hunter.

As I bid you farewell for now, I’d like to add that Macy and Jake may not be real, but writing their stories impacted my life and I hope in some small way reading it impacted yours. 

Thanks again.


What Next for the Tall, Hot & Texas series? 

Mark Donaldson, Jake’s partner now has his own story.  The Cop Who Stole Christmas was released Nov. 22nd and is available whereever e-books are sold.  In Savanna and Mark’s story you are introduced to several of Savanna’s friends and I hope to continue the series with their stories in the future.

A lot of you have asked if The Cop Who Stole Christmas will be up on Wattpad.  Unfortunately, it’s not set to go up in the foreseen future. 

 I know that some of you are outside of the U.S. and find it hard to get some of my books.  Please know that my publishers and agent are working their hardest to get the books up wherever possible.  If you can’t purchase my novels, I hope you’ll stop by your local library and pick one up.  If they don’t carry a certain title, perhaps you can suggest they add it to their system.

Need another Christie Craig book?

 If you enjoyed Gotcha! I feel you’ll also like my other Christie Craig titles.  Sexy, suspenseful and seriously funny is my tagline I’ve written ten humorous suspense novels that share that voice.  Check out my Christie Craig website for a list of my titles.  I mentioned earlier, I also write as C.C. Hunter.  My young adult paranormal romances series, Shadow Falls, has won over most of my Christie Craig readers.  You can peek at those titles at

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