Chapter Eight

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The next morning, I'm late to my first class and pissed. Chris took my iPad as I walked out the door, and I couldn't coordinate with Ari about where to meet before class. I waited for her at her locker until I was late for class. I walk in and duck my head. Everyone stares at me as I make my way to the back of class.

Benji smiles at me as I slide into the desk beside his.

"Ari said to tell you she's got the flu," he whispers.

"Seriously?" I ask, irritated. "Why'd she tell you and not me?"

He shrugs. "Said she couldn't get you on the phone last night."

Bitch. Leaves me alone at school to face Jenna and the rest of the world alone.

Actually, it's Chris's fault for taking my phone yesterday.

"You wanna go out sometime?" Benji asks. "I've been meaning to ask you, but you're hard to catch sometimes."

"I don't know," I say. I just want to survive the next few weeks, until shit hits the fan and I'm trapped in my house for the rest of my life. "I've got a lot going on." I can't help thinking I'd rather have ice cream with Dom and his niece than go out with Benji.

"Yeah, I know. But maybe it'll take your mind off things."


"I turn eighteen Friday. I'm having a party."

No way in hell. I never, ever want to go to another party.

"Or we can go out Saturday," he says at my silence. "You're a September baby, aren't you?"

"October first," I answer. "Thanks, but I'm not much of one for parties anymore."

"Oh, god, I didn't even think of that," Benji says, his eyes widening. "I mean, I don't ..."

"It's okay," I assure him. "Thanks for asking."

"Sorry, yeah." His face is red. "Maybe Saturday? Sound better?"

I hesitate. Benji is tall and handsome, and I would've totally dived at the chance to date him last year. Or even, this summer, before the incident. So much has changed.

"I think it's just too soon for me," I tell him honestly. "If you need a date, I can hook you up with Ari." I almost laugh when I say the words. Normally, Ari has a line of men and I'm watching her try to pick which one.

Our whispering draws the attention of the teacher, and we are quiet for a few minutes.

"Hey, can you?" Benji asks, once the teacher turns her back. "Ask Ari?"

"I can. And I know she'll want to," I tell him.

If I had my damn phone or iPad, I could text her. I'm fidgeting again. By the end of the day, I'm ready to kill someone. I feel vulnerable and anxious without my phone. To make matters worse, I've still got cramps and am bleeding heavily. I just want to curl up in my room and stay there.

At cheer practice, Jenna won't even look at me, probably because of something Chris said to her legal team. I dance hard and stay long, needing the outlet, until I see Fabio walk across the football field.

With no phone, I have no concept of time. Fabio comes to get me, and we leave. I arrive to the women's clinic late, dressed in my cheer practice clothing, and still in an awful mood.

Gianna passes me twice before stopping. I eye her.

"Okay, rough day, I get it," she says.

"This has been the longest day of my life," I moan. "I have no phone. I can't stand it."

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