The story of Bryn,
the Timelordess
Chapter 1
Once upon a time Bryn pulled all her minutes together and decided to become a Timelordess.
She had enough hair to pull just thinking back to...
... The moments in front of the mirror she was spending getting ready for just the simplest of dates... And those moments of wafflehood that rescued her from long homework hours that once seemed neverending, they were now a second away in her past, a second behind another second behind another door that slides into a particle of second, (that's if she ever wants to reach back and learn Geography again)... Even the selfies moments she wishes she'd send more, but it's like every time she presses send, they dissolve into another galaxy pretty fast, just like milk dissolved through another galaxy once and got the name Galaxy Milk! (Go figure!!)...
"MilkBeth (milk-bath?) Galaxy used to be a galaxy nowhere near you", she typed in her own mind, but she pressed SENT on her phone...and it went out on the twitterverse... but she doesn't know why she tweeted that!? And who was Beth?!
Forget the box of cereal at this morning rush hour, Bryn was after a box that could giver herself a rush at this very hour!
"A window will show me the world!", she thought to herself, while munching on some popcorn, "A computer will connect me to the world", another loud thought, as she felt like the crunching action between her teeth was becoming rather peanut butter jelly time-ish, "A dancing ballerina in a music box would give me a world of headaches..."
But then the thought of the ages booked a place in her mind... opened some pages in her mind... hear head was storing something resembling a word, a globe, A BOX in her mind!
Just when she exited the house and took a few steps toward the street, her mind was showing her some interesting stuff through her thoughts:
"A human house is made of two fondants, like, candid eyes", she heard, slowly turning her head and throwing a look up at the two windows upstairs, "a couple of fragrant pipes, as the nose", as she looked at the door, her eyes visibly opening wider, still in slow motion, "and a flagrant door as the mouth!", and this time she heard the exclamation mark as if it landed right between her eyes, suddenly, causing her to remain cross-eyed for a moment, much like a door shut in front of her rather noisily.
A loud horn... I said, A LOUD HORN... just startled her from within that space-out zone.
"Are you coming to school or what?"
"On my way, Don! On my way!"
"What was wrong with you standing out in the middle of the street like that?", he said, while driving away.
"I think my box just tweeted me!"
"Is that what she said?", he said, rather chiefly, and cheekily!
"What? You know her??"
"Know who?"
"Oh, never mind", Bryn said, tilting her head to the other side of the road.
"That's what she saaaaaaid all riiiiiight.."
"Oh, stop it!", she uttered, calmly, with a mocking of the talking hand gesture through its fingers.
Someone in her past was the box. Someone in her present is the boy. Who knows what the future holds?
This is getting Brynteresting!
Driving down the boulevard seems to have its perks: thinking about the upcoming school exam, while admiring the classic architecture of some houses, car-shopping with sightseeing money here and there, while absorbing the green panorama which included sparse shops everywhere, donning a song or two, as their lips were exchanging a few words from their ever spontaneous minds.
"Hey, Donnie..."
"Yes, Bryn?"
"Don that song for me, will you?"
And the boy obliged: it was their song, the first ever song Don put on at a party he gave in the neighborhood, and that's exactly when Bryn and a friend of hers were just passing by. She squeezed herself between the raindrops and the pores of her tingling emotions and listened to the song from the window pane, spying, if you will, on the party inside the house... until the two of them got caught by a staring, smiling dude who appeared right in front of their eyes inside the house that night, startling them.That's when she and her friend exited, stage right, in a hurry, catching them on the Brynkward of awkwardness, that's how she felt when she found out the next day that the dude was going to the same school she way!
This is how the song went:
Come on in,
Don't stand out in the pouring rain!
Bryn it in,
For I can feel how God's words
are incessantly blessing us drop by drop!
Come on in,
Let it not be printed all in vain!
Bryn it in,
For I can only read, taste,
Then ask your lips to ask your heart and mind
to be my wife!
But we'd need two,
At the most, three kids
to translate God's blessings into life!!
Except from the words "Bryn it in" (that's only how Donnie liked to sing it sometimes), where it suppose to say "Bring it in", everything was quite prophetic, but she didn't realize that at the time. It was a good wedding song, but will he be her "one and only"?
more to come in 1-2 days period. Thanks for viewing it in progress.
This story is dedicated to someone who likes being called a timelord(ess).