law and disorderly conduct

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Author:       Delightful_I_Am

Additional Tags: Morally Ambiguous Stiles StilinskiDeputy Derek HaleScott is a Good FriendTooth-Rotting FluffThe Author Regrets NothingAuthor Is Sleep Deprived

Words: 2541

"Are you sure this is legal?"

Stiles looked up at Scott in disbelief, a diamond pick between his teeth and his torsion wrench still wedged tight in the lock in front of him. He flicked his eyes back and forth from Scott to the lock a few times before raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"Scotty, bud, pal, my dude. I am literally in the middle of breaking into a lawyer's office as we speak. In what universe is that not illegal?"

"Are you sure this is legal?"

Stiles looked up at Scott in disbelief, a diamond pick between his teeth and his torsion wrench still wedged tight in the lock in front of him. He flicked his eyes back and forth from Scott to the lock a few times before taking the diamond pick out of his mouth and raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"Scotty, bud, pal, my dude. I am literally in the middle of breaking into a lawyer's office as we speak. In what universe is that not illegal? And keep the light steady."

Scott grinned and punched Stiles lightly on the arm, redirecting the thin beam of light from his pocket-sized torch to shine more directly on the lock.

"I know that! I mean, obviously breaking in is illegal but..." Scott looked around and leaned in closer to Stiles, "We're doing the right thing... right?"

Stiles focused back on the lock for a minute, steadily working through the pins in the tumbler before pausing again and looking back up at Scott.

"We're absolutely doing the right thing. This guy has been stealing from his clients and deliberately dragging out cases to squeeze every last penny he can out of desperate people who have no other options, and we're gonna prove it." Stiles levelled a steady gaze at Scott, "The Sheriff's department will accept any evidence given anonymously, no questions asked. Trust me."

Scott hesitates for a few seconds before nodding once and stepping back, eyes trained on the quiet night street behind them. Conveniently, the streetlights on this block had all suffered an electrical fault the day before, and a sudden bout of mild food poisoning in the staff at the power station, thanks to an obscure herb being used on their weekly pizza order instead of oregano, meant there was a distinct lack of people who could have fixed the issue in a timely manner. Such a shame. Finally, finally the lock sprang open with a muted click and Stiles grinned, triumphant.

"We're in!" Stiles tucked his lock picks away and stood, turning to clap Scott on the shoulder. "Okay buddy, you know the drill. Three knocks and a chorus of 'we are the champions' if anybody's coming."

"Yeah yeah, Stiles, just make it quick, alright? I'll meet you at the side door, okay?"

Stiles grinned at Scott, a flash of white teeth in the darkness, and then he was slipping inside, the door shutting softly, locking it behind him. Scott sighed and leaned against the building, keeping one eye on the street.


Stiles ghosted through the dark building, the only light from the almost full moon outside. Bypassing the desks and cubicles in favour of heading to the office tucked away in the back corner, he ran a gloved fingertip along the wall as he hummed a tune under his breath. He was feeling a vindictive sort of pleasure at the knowledge that he was going to see this awful man put away for fraud; too many people had fallen victim to his schemes. Stiles reached the office of said douchecanoe, and quietly opened the door, he paused in the doorway to let his eyes adjust to the deeper blackness inside, before stepping through. He turned to close the door behind him and turn on the light so he could search the office and not have to worry about trying to balance a torch when he felt movement behind him. He tried to step away but found himself pushed up against the door, a firm pressure along his back holding him in place.

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