Chapter 10

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~Ashley’s POV~

I hummed gently as I walked towards my next class, English. Oh what fun this would be? Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? I laughed quietly to myself and glanced over to the people I was walking beside, I don’t even remember their names.

I just call them random dude number 1 number 2 and number 3. Hey, don’t judge me! There are too many people that I would have to learn the names of. I shrugged softly and listened to what they were talking about.

“So yeah, later we’ll need to give it to him. He hasn’t had enough today. We’ve left him for too long.” I bit my lip softly wondering who they were talking about.

“Who’re you guys talking about?” I asked cautiously.

“Fagboy.” One of them replied like it was obvious.

“Fagboy...? could you elaborate on that please?” I asked confused.

They simply laughed, “Jeremy, his new name’s Fagboy, weren’t you listening?”

I shook my head and forced myself to laugh. “I was thinking sorry~” I said and smiled.

I picked my pace up a little until one of them tapped my shoulder, “Want to help us?” they asked.

“Help with what?” I asked.

“Beat him up, stupid” They said and laughed again.

“Oh uh...I would but I’ve gotta get home quick tonight, got stuff to do~” I grinned at them.

They nodded and turned back to their conversation with the other two. I walked quicker and entered the English classroom, taking a seat next to some random guy.

He looked a little like me, and seemed to be bouncing in his seat. I dumped my bag on the ground beside me and sat back, thinking. Jinxx always seemed to wear long sleeved shirts, and it’s the middle of fucking summer? What’s with that? Surely he must be boiling.

I sighed softly and looked around at the person sitting next to me, they had just shoved me. “What?” I asked rudely.

The person seemingly unfazed just grinned at me, “Hey! I’m CC!” he said happily.

I laughed a little, “Hey, I’m Ashley~!” I replied.

CC smiled brightly at me, “I knew that! Everyone’s been talking about you!”

I felt a small blush creeping up my neck but I quickly willed it away, “Well that’s great, and you have the honours of sitting next to me in English!” I winked and poked my tongue out at him.

“Yay!” he yelled. I laughed again and turned back to the front of the classroom, this was going to be a long day, let alone class. Considering I was sitting next to this CC guy.

~Andy’s POV~

I entered the Maths classroom and took my seat at the very back, next to Jake. I smiled slightly and nudged him gently.

“Texting, in class, again~?” I teased.

He looked up at me from his lap, “Yep~” he said popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word.

I shook my head and relaxed back into my seat, “Naughty Jakey~” I heard him laugh beside me before looking back down at his phone.

“Who you texting?” I asked quietly, considering that the teacher had just entered the classroom.

“CC” he mumbled, continuing to type.

“CC?” I questioned.

“Yeah, he’s excited because he’s sitting next to that extremely popular new guy. Y’know, the one with long hair, brown eyes, tanned skin. Wears band stuff, a bit like us?”

I giggled quietly, “Sounds like you’re explaining the person you have a crush on” I said jokingly.

Jake laughed beside me, covering his mouth with his hand. “Pfft, no. Just describing what he looks like. And CC is going mental, I sort of feel sorry for that new guy...his name was...Ashley? I think that’s what CC said his name was anyways.”

I bit my lip softly, “Ashley? Shit...” I muttered.

“What?” Jake asked glancing up at me.

“Oh nothing...just this guy that I was sitting next to at lunch the other day, he really liked Ashley...”

Jake nodded. “I can see why...what’s his name? Maybe you should try to talk to him more?”

I smiled slightly, “His name’s Jinxx.” I said quietly before turning my attention back to the front of the class, there was nothing left to discuss with Jake for now, he was texting CC anyways.

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