Chapter Eight

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[Derek's pov]

I slowly opened my eyes, my head was spinning. I was chained up.  and I didn't know where I was or what I was doing there. Until I saw Chris. What happened last night? I got caught. FUCK. "You're awake eh?" Chris asked. I stared him down, I tried to force myself out of the chains; but I just couldn't. He laughed. "Do you remember what happened last night?" he asked. He's nicer than I expected. I expected him to physically harm me. But he didn't.. Not yet. I growled at him. "You better be nice to me. I'm the only one here who's gonna be remotely nice to you." The only one here? Who else was here? "I'm also taking thay as a no. You killed a girl last night. Then you bit that stiles kid but Scott came and helped him." was all he said as he left the room and locked the door. I should've been more concerned to why I killed a girl but I was more concerned to the fact that I bit Stiles. Is he okay? Does he hate me now? Did he witness me hurting that girl? I tried to the thoughts all out of my head, I shouldn't care what Stiles thinks. But I do.. I really do.. I need to get out of here.

[Stile's Pov]

I was already back in School. I told my mom I stayed over and Scott's. I was trying to forget everything that happened; trying to act like nothing have happened. But I couldn't. I couldn't shake off my worry for Derek. Did the hunters get him? If they did, what are they doing to him? Was he.. still alive? I couldn't stop overthinking. I wish he was okay. I wish he was safe. I don't know why I cared so much for him, especially after everything he's done to me but I do. After the period ended, I ran to grab Scott. I had to find him, make sure he's okay. I just have to.

"We have to get Derek!" I screamed. Scott looked at me, "What?" he asked. "I said we have to get him, Scott weren't you listening?!" I repeated. "No, I heard. I just don't know why you wanna find him. Did you forget what he did?" He asked, calmly. "No Scott I didn't. That's the problem. I can't forget, about what he did. I can't even forget about him, Scott. Please. Help me.." I pleaded.

[Scott's POV]

I looked at Stiles. I didn't get him. He said he didn't like Derek, but he acts like this. I couldn't help to see him like this. But, he has never cared so much for someone. Not even for Lydia. I sighed heavily. "Fine. For you, not for him.." I said. "Ok, let's go!!" he yelled, grabbing my hand. "What?! Right now?! SCOTT IM GONNA FAIL MY TESTS!" I screamed back. "Doesn't matter, come!!" he said pulling me even harder. I rolled my eyes and followed him. The things I do for this guy.

A/N Sorry for the irregular updates. I started school again and it's annoying and stressful but I'll try my best. Sorry for the shitty chapter lol Im kinda rushing but next chapter will be better, I promise. Thanks for reading !!❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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