chapter 6

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Maybe I should go to the beach. I feel a pull to the water ever since that day. I haven't gone back, because its only been a day but I already miss it with all my heart. My parent have been checking on my a lot witch is annoying. In my room the empty shelves have been filled with tons of books. I love to read, its all ways been my favorite way to pass the time. But now I think swimming is my priority. Yep definably should go to the beach. I grabbed all my stuff and threw on a swimsuit. My father was at work so I told my mom where I was going even though it was in our back yard. I told her because I was planning on going for a very long walk along the beach. I set out my towel and laid down on it. I closed my eyes and sighed. I could get use to this. The sun, the sand, the water. I laid there for about ten minuets when I heard someone walking to towards me. Then someone put there towel right next to mine. I looked over to see who had the nerve to do something like that when I saw the girl who asked me to come and meet her. She sat down and smiled at me. " Hi." She said. "Hi." I said back. "My names Cassie, but you can call me Cas." "Oh umm my names Gabriela." I went in for a hand shake but she pulled me into a strong hug. She was squeezing me so hard that my ribs started to hurt. "Hey Cas? You're hurting me." I said "Oh my! I'm sorry." She said. "It's fine" I said laughing. "Oh dear look at the time! I was supposed to be home hours ago, but I saw you and thought, what the heck."

"It's fine, go." I said. "Oh dear, I forgot to ask you if your going to go to Baley High. So are you?" She asked innocently. "Yeah, isn't it the only school on this island?" I questioned. "Oh, right." she replied blushing. "I will pick you up in the morning, ok?" She finished. "O-Ok." I stuttered. " See you around seven thirty." She said getting up. "Ok, thanks again." I said. "No prob." She replied.

When she left I sighed. It was not a mad, or sad sigh. It was a happy sigh. Walk time. I got up and shook the sand that got on me off, and put my cover up over my swim suit, and walked in with my feet in the water. I love being bare foot, I decided to leave all my stuff where I was sitting a while ago.

After walking for a little bit, I turned around and walked back to my house. After grabbing my stuff first of course. I walked though the front door and was greeted by the smell of grilled cheese and tomato soup. "Oh, hello hun." My mom chirps. "Hi baby girl." My dad says. "Hi momma, hi daddy." I said giving them each a kiss on the cheek. My mom handed me a plate of grilled cheese and a bowl of soup. "Thanks mom, bye." I said to her as I walked up to my room.

When I was done eating I took my dishes down the stairs, and put them in the sink. I was walking to my room when it hit me, it hit me so hard I cried out in surprise in the form of a gasp. I.NEED.WATER! I ran back down stairs and to the fridge. I opened the door and grabbed a bottle of water. Gulp. Down it went but I needed more. Another Gulp. Another Gulp. Five bottles later I was feeling better but not perfect. Just in case I took two back to my room and laid down and instantly feel asleep.

I woke up with the worst feeling in the world. It was a feeling telling me I had to puke. I quickly got up and went to my to my bathroom. I barley made it to the toilet. When I was done I cleaned my self up, and looked in the mirror. I looked like a ghost. This is the palest I have ever been in my life! I left the bathroom and put on p.js. I looked over at my phone and saw that I had one new message. Odd. It was from an un none user. The message said: 'Hey, this is Cas, I came over to your house but they said you were asleep so they gave me your number. Put me in your contacts as besty, that's what you are in mine. ;) text me!' Ok, looks like I made a true friend. I did as I was told and put her in my contacts as besty. I then herd knocking at my door. "Come in." I said as loud as witch was a whisper. I was just drained of all energy. My mom came in and gasped. "Hun! Are you ok? Is this why you were asleep?" She said with a frantic look. I just nodded as if to say I was fine. She calmed down a little but still looked worried. "Well I hope your hungry. I'm making your favorite for dinner." I looked at the clock and it was indeed dinner time. I nodded again. "We are having fish." She said. I screamed. I didn't know I could but let me tell you something, it was loud, very loud. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed "NOOOO! NOT FISH!" I screamed. I started to cry and panic. My gut was saying that it was wrong, that it was a crime. I will never, ever do such a terrible thing to an innocent fish. "I'm sorry!" My mom yelled trying to get me to calm down. "We will not be having fish, I will make something else." She yelled. When she said that I stated to calm down to a no screaming state, even a no crying state. But I was still panicking. Then all at once I stopped.

 She left and when she came back an hour later she had pizza. Yum. I love pizza

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