KHC Sequel [Chapter 1]

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Chapter One


Happiness. Defined by Webster's Dictionary as a feeling or showing pleasure or contentment with a person, arrangement, or situation. Some words that mean the same are: satisfaction, cheerfulness, merriment, gaiety, joy, joviality, jollity, glee, delight, exuberance, exhilaration, elation, ecstasy, jubilation, rapture, bliss, blissfulness, and euphoria.

Raine was feeling all of the above. He loved his wife and children, he loved that he was a father, he basically loved life. If there was a word that meant more than happy, it would describe him perfectly.

Only a week had passed since Noelle gave birth to Ivy and Theo, but to Raine it felt like a lifetime. He had been so worried that fatherhood wouldn't take, but to his surprise, he was a natural. He loved the little faces Ivy made or the silly noises Theo intoned. If he had the option, he would hold them all the time. Raine was planning on spoiling his children to death, but Noelle wouldn't allow it.

He gazed down at the cribs where Ivy and Theo were sleeping and smiled warmly, reaching out a hand to touch Ivy's cheek. She gurgled something, but kept sleeping, silent for once. Raine chuckled lightly and did the same to Theo, tapping his nose lovingly. They were so adorable as they slept, a complete contrast to the howling banshees when awake, but he loved them all the same.

"RAINE!" he heard Noelle yell from across the house. He jolted up and stared at the doorway and then back at his kids, torn between the two. He wanted to help Noelle, but he was so afraid of leaving his children alone for even a second.

Finn walked in a second later and motioned for Raine to go find Noelle. "It's fine," he said. "I'll watch the babies. Go!"

Raine muttered something, but left the room at a light jog, searching for Noelle. She had sounded worried or in pain and it was kind of freaking him out. He skidded to a stop outside their room and froze with his hand on the doorknob. He smelled blood. Heart racing, he pushed the door open, afraid of what he'd find inside. There were splatters of blood on the bed and floor leading to the bathroom. The door to the bathroom was open, so Raine crept softly to the entrance, hoping to God Noelle was inside and alive.

He stopped in the doorway and felt every part of his body freeze in shock. "Shit," he choked out.

Noelle looked at him in the mirror and smiled weakly. "Surprise?" Her back, arms and hands were covered in blood because she now had a pair of wings sprouting from her back. They had torn her flesh as they fought to break through the skin. Noelle's wings were an ethereal silver color with a span of about three feet and they were covered in blood.

Raine grabbed a towel and started carefully wiping the blood off, oblivious to Noelle's reactions. She gripped the sink with her hands, biting back moans of pleasure as her eyes fluttered closed. Her new wings were ultrasensitive to touch, and even the slight rasp of the towel was turning her on. "R-Raine," she finally gasped out, unable to take it anymore.

He paused in his ministrations and looked at her in the mirror. "Am I hurting you?" he asked worried.

She shook her head, opening her eyes to stare at him in lust. "It feels too good," she rasped. "They're sensitive." Understanding dawned, and Raine reached out to trail a finger over the arch of her wing. "Oh gods," she choked out, shuddering in ecstasy.

Raine's eyes flared as he took in her reaction. "I can handle this," he said suggestively, entranced with Noelle's new features. Dropping his hand, he took a step back from Noelle and ran a hand down his face. She had wings. It was still too soon after the birth for them to have sex, but damned if he wasn't ready.

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