KHC Sequel [Chapter 5]

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~ Chapter Five ~

When Ivy opened her eyes, she was still in the forest, the only thing missing was Zeke. She turned around to see if the black orb was still there, but it too had disappeared. Frowning, she sniffed carefully and made her way back home. She knew her daddy would smell Zeke all over her and flip, but that's what Zeke had wanted to happen. With her lips still tingling from the aftershock of the kiss, she trudged through the forest, breaking through the trees sooner than she thought.

"Ivy?" she heard Theo's voice question worriedly. He sounded like he was calling down a tunnel from far away. "Hey, sis, are you okay? What happened to you?"

"I'm fine," she growled at him, wanting to hole up in her room for the rest of the day.

Theo stood up and came closer to her, sniffing suspiciously. "Why do you smell funny? Who touched you? What happened?" he was raising his voice now, small growls erupting from him throat.

"No!" Ivy cried out angrily. "You don't get to act like a brother now. Not after what you've done. You can't pretend to care because your stupid minions aren't around! I'm fine, so just leave me alone, okay? Oh, and find someone else to torture from now on; I've had enough of your stupid games!"

She stormed past a stunned Theo and into the estate, heading straight for her room. On the way she accidently passed the room where her daddy and Finn were sitting.

"Ivy?" Raine questioned, when he saw her storm by. The scent hit him seconds later, raising his hackles. "Fuck, I know that smell," he hissed. Finn was frozen next to him, recognizing the scent of a demon.

"Was it on Ivy?" he asked Raine worriedly.

"Gods, I hope not," Raine answered with a muted growl. He pushed to his feet and followed after his daughter, praying that he had made a mistake and smelled something else. "IVY!" he bellowed, "Come here, please!"

She ignored him and slammed her door angrily, fighting the tears that threatened to overflow. Stupid brother, stupid Zeke! She flopped onto her bed and cursed into her pillow.

"IVY!" Raine pounded on her door frantically needing to see that she was ok. "Please open the door up."

"Go away!" she grumbled.

"No. Open this door or I'll knock it down and you won't have a door until some fixes it."

Groaning, she pushed off her bed and headed over to the door. "Fine!" she whined dramatically. If she didn't open it, her dad would knock it over and it would probably be a year before she got another door. She desperately needed the privacy the door offered. Ivy threw open the door, cocking her hip and giving Raine a bratty look. "What?" she sneered.

Raine took a step closer and sniffed her, crinkling his nose in distaste. "Why do you smell like a demon?"

All the blood drained from her face as she realized she wasn't going to get away with not telling her father about her encounter in the woods. She quickly tried to think of a story to tell him, but he barked her name and raised an eyebrow. "Don't even think about lying to me."

"Fine. I got lost in the woods and somehow got transported to the demon realm without knowing it. It looked the same as our woods. I came across a boy a couple years older than me and he offered to take me back to our forest. When we got back to the 'portal' sight or whatever it was, he embraced me and told me..." she paused and said in one breath with her eyes clenched shut, "he told me to tell you that Ayumu's son says hi."

Ivy opened one eye when utter silence greeted her statement. Raine was staring at a point behind her, shaking with barely suppressed rage.

"Daddy, who is Ayumu?" Ivy whispered worriedly.

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