KHC Sequel [Chapter 9]

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~ Chapter Nine ~

Ivy woke up the next morning, surprisingly well rested for sleeping on the ground. She stretched her muscles, stopping halfway when she realized her right hand was stuck beneath something warm. Ivy opened her eyes and looked over to see Zeke lying next to her, holding her hand whilst he slept. When she tried to move her hand, he just gripped it tighter and mumbled something.

Zeke!” she whispered, uncomfortable with the warm tingles she was feeling where their hands touched. Ivy didn’t want to think too hard about how wonderful it felt to be touching another being, even if it was just holding hands. She had felt so alone for so long, but now, with Zeke, in a run down tent in the middle of a poor demon community she felt…calm. And that scared her more than anything.

“Let go!” she said, tugging at her hand again. He frowned in his sleep and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her and nestling his head under her chin. Ivy froze when his warm breath puffed over her skin and his unique scent called to her. She slowly looked down at him, marveling at how innocent he looked whilst sleeping with a half smile on his face. Annoyed, but unable to move, she sighed and closed her eyes, figuring a little more sleep wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Zeke couldn’t help the grin that stretched his face when he felt Ivy relax against him. He hadn’t meant to let it get so out of control, but waking up with her next to him destroyed all of his will power. It was nice to see her with her defenses down for once. And if he was honest, it was more than nice to be in her arms. For the time being he was just going to enjoy the calm before the storm.

Speaking of the storm…“ZEEEEKKKEEE!” Maura yelled from outside the tent. “Zeke it’s time to wake up!”

He quickly rolled away from Ivy and stood up, ignoring her gasp of outrage as she was pushed aside.

“What the hell, Zeke?” she bit out.

“Maura,” he replied gravely, seconds before the little demon burst through the tent opening.

“Good moooorning!” Maura sang happily. “Are you ready to play with me, Ivy? I have all sorts of fun things planned for us. First, we’ll pick flowers for my mum and you can pick some for Zeke, and then we’ll watch the forest for deer, and then we can…”

“Maura,” Zeke chided softly, “maybe we should get Ivy some food first. Then you can show here where the best flowers are.”

She blushed prettily and scuffed her feet, “Oops, sorry. I’ll go grab some food for you.” Maura grinned at Ivy and then ran out the door.

Zeke ran a hand through his hair and gave Ivy a guilty look. “Sorry about her, she’s never going to leave you alone now. I’m the only one who gives her any attention, so a new person she can be friends with is her dream come true.”

“No, it’s alright,” Ivy smiled, “I like her. She’s young and innocent and doesn’t judge me for what I am. It’s a nice change of events.”

Zeke frowned and opened his mouth to comment, but Ivy shook her head and changed the subject.

“What did you mean last night, when you said there are no men above the age of 13 here? Why are you still here? Where did all the men go? How are there babies if there are no men?” Ivy stopped talking when Zeke held a hand up. He looked weary and almost…scared to talk.

“It’s a very long story,” he started, and I promise to tell you all of it, after we eat. We can take a walk around the village and I’ll explain everything, I promise.”

Maura chose that moment to pop back into the tent with food. She brought Ivy a wooden plate piled with dried meat, fruits and a cup of herb tea.

“Thank you, Maura,” Ivy smiled, “this looks delicious. Did you make this all yourself?”

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