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In Waterparks news:

Awsten and Geoff accidentally called the cops on Otto the other day bc they're actually ridiculous. The tour started today and I'm actually weeping I am so proud of them!!!!!!



The sun is high in the sky when my phone finally buzzes the next day and displays Eleanors name on the screen. The goofy grin that is suddenly splashed across my face does not go unnoticed by my friends. Awsten sets his bagel down and wipes his hands on his napkin slowly before turning his attention to me, giving me his most suspicious look.

"Who's the text from, princess?" Awsten asks and I roll my eyes, holding my phone in my hand, my arms resting on the table that's digging into my forearms, making it slightly uncomfortable.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I retort but before I can stop him, Geoff snatches my phone directly out of my hands and reads the text aloud for Awsten, and half the cafe, to hear as well.

"From Eleanor." Geoff adopts what I can only assume is his impression of a British accent, but it's really not good at all. "I shouldn't have been surprised to see that your number had magically appeared in my telly," He takes a moment to snicker. "Oh my god, she actually just said telly." He clears his throat and launches back into his awful impersonation. "You're a bit sneaky it seems."

"Intriguing." Awsten sips his glass of juice and then raises a bushy brow in my direction. "What are you going to say?" I snatch my phone out of Geoffs hand, who snickers again in the lovingly way only Geoff can.

"Why are you so concerned?" I ask and Awsten scoffs, Geoff shakes his head. "What?" I ask my friends and they share an odd look before Geoff sighs and sets his egg sandwich down, frowning.

"You're chasing a girl who lives like 5,000 miles away from you." Geoff says, worry etched into his soft features. He really is the Dad in our little friend group.

"I'm not chasing anyone. She's cool, I'm just making new friends." I defend myself and Awsten snorts so hard he chokes on his orange juice a little bit. When he's recovered from his near death experience, he speaks up, a napkin held to his chin to wipe up excess juice.

"God, you're so full of shit. That's why your eyes are brown." He points a judgmental finger at me and I roll my shit filled eyes in response.

"We're just looking out for you, long distance sucks." Geoff says and picks up a tea cup from its saucer and sticks his pinkie out while he sips from it. I stare at him for a moment in stunned silence that he actually just did that, but I decide that's a problem for a later time.

"I barely know her." I point out and Awsten and Geoff share yet another look with one another before Awsten leans back into the booth and looks dramatically out the window at the darkened sky. Geoff sighs, a note of irritation in his voice. Geoff is probably one of the most chill guys you'll ever meet, but if you push him too hard at the wrong time, you're in for a big shock.

"Just be careful." Geoff says and picks up his tea again, sticking his finger out. I glance back and forth between my friends before tentatively picking up my phone and typing out a reply to Eleanor.



Otto: It has rained like 90% of the time so far this trip

Me: It's London, all it does is rain

Otto: It snowed like two days ago

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