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Sorry for such a long hiatus. Hopefully I'm back now!

In Waterparks News:
The won best breakthrough artist at last nights APMAs!!


"How do you live here when it's always raining?" Otto's voice crashes through the story of Catherine and Heathcliff that I've become immersed in. I look up to see him looking up thoughtfully at the rain as it falls outside the bookstore window.

"I like the rain." I say and Otto shakes his head, turning his attention back to the magazine he is absentmindedly flipping through. He didn't know what to do today so I recommended my favorite spot in the city, a tiny little book store nestled away from tourist shops that allows you to read whatever, whenever. I look back to Wuthering Heights but find myself struggling to focus again, instead wanting to strike up another conversation with the boy across the sofa from me. "Tell me about America." I say softly, sticking my finger in the novel to keep my page as I hold it in my lap. Otto looks up from his magazine and furrows his eyebrows.

"What do you want to know?" I bite my lip softly, thinking about the question as he keeps his dark eyes trained on me.

"Anything, I've never been." I reply after a moment of thought.

Otto lets his Kerrang magazine fall into his lap, not marking his page like myself and playfully cracks his knuckles.

"Get ready for some useless knowledge." I smile lightly and nod my head to encourage him. "Well first off, no one is as fat as the stereotype says. At least not in Texas." He says and I can't help but giggle at his first fun fact. "Everyone, and I mean everyone, owns a gun." He gives me a crooked grin. "At least in Texas." He adds and another giggle slips out of me. "And it's big."

"At least in Texas?" I joke and Otto's smile brightens.

"If you want any out of Texas information, you'll have to ask Geoff. He grew up in California." Otto says and his knee brushes against mine lightly as he sits up. "I'm actually supposed to meet up with them in a bit, do you want to tag along?" I contemplate the offer momentarily. My only other plans for the day were to stare at my computer screen and attempt to write.

"I'd love to." I say and unfold my legs from one another, standing up.

"Are you going to buy that?" Otto asks, gesturing to the copy of Wuthering Heights still in my grasp.

"I've actually already got two copies, it's my favorite." I inform him and he nods before setting his magazine back onto the rack he retrieved it from, though certainly not in the same spot.

"Good to know." He says.


"Someone's here for you." George says, not bothering to knock on my partially open door before he pushes it open completely. I look up from my laptop screen, where I'm staring at a sentence, begging for it to complete itself and flow in the way I want. He stares at me blankly for a moment and I blink slowly.

"Who?" My voice comes scratchy and quiet, due to lack of speaking all day. I've been holed up in my room for the better part of the entire day, phone shut off, avoiding everyone in my best attempt to actually progress further into my book. It hasn't been working all that well. The disapproving look that paints Georges freckled face gives me a fairly good guess at who could be at the door.

"Your new friends, I buzzed them in. They're at the front door." George confirms grumpily before disappearing from my bedroom and stalking back down the hall. I sigh quietly, looking back to the little progress I made in my writing before saving and closing my computer slowly. I push my duvet off me and slide off the mattress, stretching, my back popping loudly in several different places. I walk slowly out of my room and peak down the hall. The television is blaring from George's room, even with the door closed. I roll my eyes and make my way to the front door, getting on my tippy toes to peer through the peephole. Surely enough, Otto, Geoff, and Awsten stand outside the door, distorted looking through the glass, but still laughing at something. I undo three locks and open the door to the men, who all turn their attention to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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