March 9, 2012

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I know I've spoken about my Autism several times here, but I just wanted to take this moment to say that I'm proud to be on the spectrum; to be honest, I am proud of the way I see the world, the way I react to it. I would never trade it for anything, no matter the hardships I may come across. I was taught, when I was young, to never see my CP as a disability, or something that could stop me from doing everything I wanted, and I've applied those same beliefs to my Autism.

My mind functions differently than most poeple, and that's fine. In fact, the more variety the world has the more beautiful it is. I ama complex work of art with many different colors, textures and swiriling beautiful forms and shapes. I am perfect the way I have been crafted. 

I am, and always have been, always will be, able to communicate for myself. The fact that it is 'abnormal' to the rest of the world's vocal style makes no difference. My unique way of communicating, both verbally and non, is but an outpouring of my personality and way of thinking and seeing things .

I am proud of all the things that make me different. 

Like they say, 'If you are lucky enough to be born different, never change a thing.'

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