May 29, 2012

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First real update in a long while, first off all I want to explain the reason why I haven't been updating, besides that life is hectic right now; for those of you that have read Sunrise Without Skyway, you know I'm going through something of a religious re-birth, so my views on life are different than they were before. More optimistic, more hopeful and I'm still adjusting to all of this. 

I can say with reasonable certainty that this will being about a bit of a change in my writing style; the stories I'm working on will probably have happy, fluffy endings now. 

Rest assured guys, I'm okay, 99 days without cutting, which means tomorrow is a hundred days which is HUGE. This is the longest I've gone without cutting, ever so I'm really excited about this. As far as the living situation, I'll have my own room when we officially move in, which I'm so STOKED about because I haven't had my own room in years. This means I get to choose the paint colors and decorate as I see fit, this is a big deal for me because I never got to have a say in what my room looked like growing up. I'm debating on colors, but so far I favor more Earthy tones, since Earth is my element and all that jazz.

Scott and I are still together, getting closer to each  other as the days go by. I haven't seen him yet, but he's out for the summer so I'll get to see him soon! 

I'm looking into a new school called Opportunities for Learning - my cousin Kinsey recently graduated from there and she loved it. From what I understand, I'll be going twice a week and they'll give me packets of work to do, then I turn those in. I'll still work at my own pace, it just won't be online.

Uhhhh Im thinking that's all for right now. I don't know when I'll update anything because I'm still getting used to the changes that are occurring in myself, and I just really want to say that making a commitment to Heathenism is the best choice I've ever made. 

Thank you to those of you who have fanned me, and those that haved voted; I promise I'll start writing again!

Much love.

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