This cant be real

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Kenya's POV
It's been a couple of days since the concert and Im walking around Cali shopping and looking for good stores. I just bought this huge family size bag of skittles&& some salt and vinegar chips. i ate my chips as I continued walking...I don't know why I got this big ass bag of chips it's gonna take forever to finish I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket it was a call from my boy Payton
a/n skittles and salt and vinegar chips are actually my fav and I do take forever to eat...I eat really slow haha
Me- hello
we were talking about random stuff and I wasn't really paying attention then I bumped into somebody
Me- ohh my gosh Im so sorry... Payton I'll call you back

Kendrick's POV
I was playing subway surf on my phone walking around when someone bumped into me
???- oh my gosh I'm so sorry....
that voice sounded so familiar
Me- it's fine
then I looked at the person I was talking to and it was Kenya!!! I felt a smile plaster on my face
Me- Kenya?!?!
Kenya- uhh yea
she looked at my face and her facial expression was priceless I started laughing then I picked up her pack if skittles and handed them to her while she just stared at me then she finally snapped out of it
Kenya OMG Kendrick what are you doing here
I laughed at her question
Me- well I do live here
she face palmed herself
Kenya- well duhh I knew that... I don't know why I asked
I found my self staring at her lips as she spoke, then her body, then her clothes... she looked different from the concert, she's wearing a plain navy blue Polo shirt, some small shorts, white high top converse, a silver necklace and diamond stud earrings. I can now see her body shape and she is curvy with big boobs I can't see her ass though. my eyes went back to her face and she was smiling and I smiled back
Me-uhh where were you going
Kenya- nowhere really I was just walking around shopping ya know
Me- well so mind if I tag along
she shrugged and we walked around stopping at a couple of stores we took some pictures together and with statues and I took pics with fans then I looked at her and she was still eating those chips...wth is the bag bottomless?? she's been eating that shit for like 2 hours. and now I want some haha

Kenya's POV
I look over at Kendrick and he was staring down my chips/skittles it was so funny
Me- damn why you staring at my shit like that for??
he looked at me and laughed
Kendrick- well you gone share?? a nigga over here hungry
Me- to hell I'm not
he gave me this look then snatched my food and ran. I chased after him but he's fast . when I finally caught up with him my chips were gone and so was half of my skittles
Me- mannn
he laughed then grabbed my hand and pulled me into this building that just so happened to be a diner
Kendrick- I'm sorry ma but how about I buy you lunch
I smiled at him and sat down and he sat next to me, a waitress came over
Waitress- hi I'm Emily may I take your order
Kendrick looked at me so I guess he was letting me go first
Me- uhh yes I -
Waitress- I was speaking to Kendrick
I was about to snap on this bitch but Kendrick grabbed my hand under the table and whispered in my ear "chill ma she's just jealous that your with me and she's not" I blushed ... I think I'm actually developing a crush on him and I wonder what he meant buy I'm with him and she's not Kendrick- we'll have two club burgers minus the onions, some fries, a coke, uhh what do you want to drink Kenya
Me- sprite please
he smiled then looked back at the waitress
Kendrick- and a sprite
the waitress walked away and Kendrick still didn't let go of my hand, when I noticed he didn't let go I stared at our hands and blushed.
he looked at me then did this little embarrassed laugh and let go it was the cutest thing. I seen the waitress coming back so I told Kendrick to play along and he nodded so when the waitress got close to the table I grabbed Kendricks face and pulled it close to mine like I was going to kiss him but I wasn't then next thing I know he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him then pressed his lips into mine. I felt my face burning and I looked over and seen that the waitress dropped our food on the table and stormed away, I closed my eyes and kissed Kendrick back and his lips were so soft and luscious. I can't believe that I'm making out with Kendrick Freaking Lamar!! after a while I heard a bunch of people surrounding us and pictures being snapped and we both stopped and there were like 5 different paparazzi people standing around us taking pictures and asking questions
Paparazzi 1- who is this
Paparazzi 2- is this your new girlfriend
Paparazzi 3- are you going to announce your girlfriend to the public
I blushed when they referred to me as his girlfriend
Kendrick- man get outta here... leave us alone
Paparazzi 4- so y'all are together
the people from the diner kicked them out but the stood outside the window still taking pictures of us and Kendrick look mad/ frustrated so I rubbed his shoulder, an attempt to make him feel better
Me- it's okay Kendrick just ignore them
Kendrick- I'm sorry... I don't know why I kissed you I just got caught up in the moment and I know you said to play along but I couldn't help but kiss you
he facial expression changed to embarrassed and I giggled
Me- there's no reason for you to be sorry.... I enjoyed it
he smiled but kept his head down and I don't know what took over me but I lifted his chin with my finger and kissed him again when we pulled away I smiled and ate a fry
Kendrick- you know you seem so different from the girl I met the other day
Me- is that a good thing or bad thing
Kendrick- it's a good thing
I laughed and we talked and ate our food I looked at the time and it was 10 pm. dang I spent the whole day with him
Me- ugh I don't wanna leave but I think it's time for me to go...
he smiled and we left then we walked for what seemed like hours to the parking lot where I parked my car. I hugged and gave Kendrick a kiss on the cheek then started walking away
Kendrick- wait
I turned around to face him
Kendrick- uhh I was wondering if I could umm get your number
he scratched the back of his neck and I found it so adorable that he was shy and nervous
Me- oh yea sure
I ran back to him and put my number in his phone then I watched him put it back in hi pocket and I started walking away again but this time he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close then kissed me, I kissed back and wrapped my arm around his neck then we pulled away I smiled
Me- bye Kendrick... forreal this time
he chuckled
Kendrick- bye Kenya
I walked away and drove home when I got a text from my girl Jennifer
Jen: heyy bae
Me: wassup Jenny:)
Jen: nothing chilling wby
Me: oh:D
Jen: anything you wanna tell me
Me: uhh no why
Jen: nigga why you lying
Me: O_o wht you tlkn bout
she sent me a pic of me and Kendrick kissing
Me: OMG where'd you get that
Jen: this website....girl why didn't you tell me this is huge... I thought we was girls
Me: I was gonna tell you but I needed to know whats up with us first
Jen: girl w.e but next time you go around kissin celebrities you better tell me
Me: alright
Jen: well what happened
Me: I bumped into him again while shopping and he stole my chips and skittles.. I chased him then he said he'd buy me lunch and the waitress was hating so me and Kendrick were acting like we were gonna kiss then he kissed me forreal and I kissed back, that's when those people took those pictures....then later before I left he asked for my number then kissed me again :D ahhh
Jen: OMG you are so lucky
after we stopped texting I took a shower and went to bed


thats all for now tell me how ya feeling
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