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The orange leaves that fall are fragile, like Luna.

She has a smile that could light up the world but instead; inside she crumbles, under the weight of words and thoughts that haunt her.

The time heads towards ten as I head to our first ever meeting point like every other day.

Turning the bend I smile as I see Luna sitting wrapped up in my coat.

"Hey," I smile walking to her.

"Hi there Rafael."

I love the way the letter r rolls off her tongue and it's nice hearing my name considering she doesn't use it much.

"Walk?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

She stands up answering my question.

As we make our way to get some type of dessert again Luna suddenly asks me a question.

"Can we maybe carry on going for a walk?"

"Of course," I smile noticing her staring at the starry sky.

We walk into the shop picking out a scoop of icecream each, chocolate and vanilla, before heading back out the door onto the street.

We walk in silence, occasionally taking a lick of icecream and a glance at each other.

We walk onto Sky Crest Alley which is quiet but the shops around the area seem to be occupied as I look through a few windows.

Finishing our icecreams we somehow end up sitting with our backs to a tree staring at the empty field in front of us, the sky like a backdrop.

"Say something on your mind," Luna stated.

I glance at her. "Umm...the stars are beautiful and I love the silhouettes against the sky."

I scratch my head lightly waiting for her response.


She looks up at the stars. "I'm going to say this in third person, ok?"

I nod unable to comprehend what she may say.

"The stars illuminated the darkness and her fears crumbled to dust beneath her - for some time at least."

She paused giving me a glance. I blinked unable to say anything, mesmorised by her words.

"The words, the lies, the hatred, the failures - they now lingered at a distance."

She pulled up her sleeve slightly exposing a scar on her wrist. I looked at it realising it was a white crescent like shape.

"She was reminded that wounds would eventually heal into scars, some of them permanent, some of them not."

She looked at me now. I had no words. I just stared dumb-founded. I composed my-self after a few minutes.

"You...I...that was beautiful," I stuttered.

She let out a small laugh. "Why thank you."

I smiled leaning back against the tree as Luna did the same, moving her head onto my shoulder as I put my arm around her.

The wind was chill, and the stars burned with a brilliant sapphire like electric light ahead of us.


I'm pretty happy with this chapter although yes Luna was a bit random with her third person thoughts - but aren't we all :-)

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