1|| Room 914

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“ Hermione, take a break, will you? ”

I barely heard those words, but my concentrations are cut off when a cup of tea is placed in front of me.

I gaze up from the pile of paperworks in my hands and frown at the red headed girl in front of my desk. I sigh and continue working my new case.

“ Ginny, I'm terribly busy at this time, I can't take a break easily, deadlines are on the run ” I said, surely not making any eye contact. As an Auror, you can hardly find time to rest actually, and can't even have just a mere minute to give yourself. Every week, comes new cases and by every end of it, comes a new one. I can't even count on my fingers how many cases I had only in one month.

“ But 'Mione—”

“ No more buts Ginny, off you go and continue  ” Luckily, they've been together for five years now, and I've been wondering lately when will Harry propose? Unfortunately, not so soon.

“ Harry's away right now actually. He's on his new case now even ” I felt bad for her. Harry's been away lately, very busy and can't even take at least three hours sleep for a day. Ginny's been missing him so bad, even if she's having a hard time at Quidditch, she still have some time left for herself.

I sigh and take the cup of tea in my hands, taking a sip while running my fingers in the typewriter.

“ Have you wondering what will you give Ron for your fourth anniversary? ”

I choke and nearly drop the cup from my hands. I turn to look to Ginny and my eyes widen.

“ Wait a minute....” She said slowly “...you forgot, aren't you? ”

I bit my lip and slam my back at the chair, and slap my forehead.

“ Merlin! Hermione! Its on the third day from now, and you still haven't plan it? ” I groan loudly and nod.

“ I'm busy, I can't even take a proper sleep! ” Throwing my hands in the air, I exclaim.

How can I forgot something important like that?! Our 3rd anniversary for goodness sake!

“ You need to get out in that desk and dress up! ”

“ And why is that? ” I said in a threatening voice.

“ Don't you want to plan it? ”


“ He'll love that...” A voice whispered from behind. I smile and run my hand through it.

“...I'm sure of it ” We said in unison.

I took a pack of galleons in my bag and pay for it, watch as the lady behind the counter wrap it perfectly.

I thanked her after, and leave the shop. Ginny and I bid our goodbyes and take part ways. Since its not that late, I head to Ron's.

I aparatted quickly. A smile formed into my lips and take the keys from my bag, keys to his apartment. As soon as I enter, I open the lights and didn't wonder why this place is some kind of a trash.

“ Ron? ” I called, but it seems I'm alone here. I head to his room, but before I can touch the doorknob, a note hangs in the door. I took it and read it.

Dear Hon,

The Ford's. Room 914. I'll be there.
See you, and love you lots.

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