5|| The Makeover

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“ Alohamora ”

I bolted up straight in my bed and almost jumped off when I heard a familiar voice, and soon the clicking of the lock when the door opened wide.

“ Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! We don't want to be late to your very first appointment, don't we? ”

I bury my face in my palms and mumbled a curse. Sure, this is going to be long big day.

“ Appointment with what, anyway? ” Parkinson, or should I say, Pansy, stare back at me and give me a mischievous smirk—we're on first name basis anyway, and since when and how? Since our encounter at the beach and said that we should be in that term due to we will 'some kind spending a lot of time' together. Pretty surprising, huh?

“ Don't you want a makeover? ” And just like that, she came forward and grab my hand, and before I can even react, we apparared away and soon I found myself laying on a peach marbled floor.

I examine the surroundings and found the place filled with various cosmetic products, mirrors, makeups and name the others that are known for makeover— I'm not that familiar with it.

“ A salon? You brought me to a salon? ” I look up to see Pansy smiting down at me with her arm crossed in her chest, “ I said makeover, didn't I? Are you expecting me to bring you to a library? Can a book even color your lips? ” Before I can even react, she walk away and come talking to a lady.

“ Good day, Miss ” A voice startled me, I turn around and saw a woman in her late forties.

She held out a hand and that's when I realised I'm still lying on the floor. I gladly took it and thanked her.

“ You must be Miss Hermione Granger, the lady Miss Parkinson has been talking about lately. I'm Constance Paige, the owner of this salon if you're wondering ” She held out a hand once again and I shook it, “ Pleasure to meet you Miss Paige ”

“ I see the two of you had already met ” From behind of Miss Paige's frame, I saw Pansy.

I then remember she just dragged me here, making me look down and realised how unfashionable I arrived here. “ You shouldn't just grabbed me of how my state look like. I just woke up ” I hissed, making the woman in front of me laugh.

“ Not a problem to worry, Miss Granger. We are used to it since Miss Parkinson often arrive here in such fashion ” It's Pansy's time to hissed, and my time to laugh.

Miss Paige clasped her hand together and beam “ I suggest we should start now, should we? I know the two of you have a busy schedule to attend to, am I right? ” Pansy chuckle and nod.

“ We should ”

I was surprised when suddenly Miss Paige snap her fingers and soon I found myself sitting inside one of her private rooms, a mirror in front of me.

“ Your hair is where we should start ”

The chair suddenly turned flat, falling backwards and starling me. I felt water enveloped my hair and felt a cool yet soft sensation on my scalp.

“ Should you much prefer having your hair the same color or should we dye it with different one, Miss? ” I heard a different voice behind me, small and shy one to be honest and surely not Miss Paige.

“ Sorry Miss, the name's Ava, Ava Gwell ” I nod “ Not a problem Ava. Hermione Granger, that's mine. And to answer your question, yes, I still much prefer my natural hair color ”

A moment passed by, or should I say, half a day— hassle to be true. I felt my neck stiffening, my back aching and feet freezing. They massaged my hair and put lots of organic product, can't name all of those.

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