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I went out on my apartment balcony, glancing back at my empty flat inside, no furniture of mine in sight before I looked back out at the other apartment building right in front of mine, the hanging clothes line swaying in the wind from the room near my window from the other tenants as I took in a deep breath, placing my hands over the familiar railing.

"Goodbye everyone! I'll miss you!" I yelled out to no one in particular, my cheery voice bouncing off the walls as my hands cupped the sides of my mouth that was upturned in a nostalgic smile.

I'll miss this place.

"Shut the fuck up!" Another hostile voice yelled back in anger from somewhere I couldn't see as I let out a happy sigh.

Oh yes, I will most definitely miss this place.

Turning and reluctanctly going back inside, I focused my attention on the neighbors from the rooms next to mine who were standing awkwardly in the middle of my vacant living room, looking at me with both lost and expectant expressions as I pressed my lips together to keep my emotions in check.

"I've been living here for almost ten years and even though we haven't gotten to know eachother as much as I'd like through that given time I'll still miss everything about you guys. Ms. Shirley, I'll miss your loud opera music playing through my thin walls at five o'clock in the morning." I smiled, turning to a flowery patterned middle aged pudgy woman who scrunched her face slightly at me, folding her hands together with a stern look.

"Random druggie guy," I then turned to the shaggy haired, beanie wearing lanky man besides her as he peered at me through unkempt, shaggy, sandy blonde locks.

"I'll miss the smell of all that weed you smoke in the hallways everytime I get back from work." I truthfully say, remembering how I had to blink away the slight sting in my eyes with how clouded the air was with that foul smell of mary jane.

"And Herbert, I will miss you most of all," I sighed, staring at the elderly man with a loving smile as he blinked at me with dull, pale blue eyes.

"What did the annoying boy say?" He asked Ms. Shirley who not so subtly shifted away from his loud voice with a look of disdain etched across her round face as I placed my hand over my heart with a nostalgic expression.

Herbert still thinks I'm a pre-teen boy with a high voice.

"Who are you again?" Random druggie neighbor asked with slow, slurred words, raising his finger to point at me in confusion.

"I just came here for the cupcakes." Ms. Shirley suddenly humphed, straightening her posture as I blinked in realization, turning to grab the store bought box of cupcakes on the ground, taking one in my hand and stretching it out for her.

She sent me a pinched smile before ignoring the extended cupcake in my hand, grabbing the whole box that carried the other eleven small, frosted, cakes before walking by and exiting out of my empty flat without another word, leaving me with my last two neighbors as we awkwardly stood there, staring at the exit.

"Um," I blinked, tearing my gaze away from the door to look at the other two.

"You guys can split." I happily decided, offering Herbert the cupcake to share as the druggie guy glanced at the treat in interest as well.

"Why aren't you just a fine young lad." Herbert complimented with crinkly eyes, making me send him a bashful smile as I waved a dismissive hand in the air.

Aw shucks.

Tattooed knuckles knocked on the doorframe, bringing my attention to the entrance where Harry was leaning against with a straight face.

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