Story of Us [AU Larry]

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Where Louis is remembering about his ex-boyfriend Harry, but it doesn't exactly end in the sweet, lovey dovey way most romance movies he loves to watch end. Instead, it ends in a way that he is rather happier with and is probably better for him this way...

Based off of the Taylor Swift song, "Story of Us."



[Third Person POV] 


Louis had to go back and study for exams, but he simply didn't want to. Who ever just wants to go and study for something so important, instead of staying in your dorm room and procrastinating with busying yourself by replaying your Black Ops game for the fortieth time in a row?

"Lou, you need to get out there, man," Louis's roommate, Liam says with a sigh. Louis pauses his game after getting to a nice hiding spot and glances back at Liam, who is sitting on his bed with a book in his lap. Liam doesn't even look at Louis as he says, "Seriously, man. It's been weeks since you've seen the daylight."

"Not true, I open up the blinds of our window every now and then," Louis responds to Liam. The younger man just raises one single eyebrow at his friend who groans and lays on the floor. "It's not really easy, Li. What if I run into He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

Liam rolls his eyes before setting them back on the book and then sighs as he shuts it, now looking at Louis with a sympathetic smile.

Barely two months ago, Louis ran into his boyfriend at the time making out with a girl- in a freaking library aisle. Louis didn't know what to think when he saw Harry with his cheeks flushed and his button up shirt buttoned down to the fourth button, and his glasses up in his quiff-ed up hair, but all that came to his mind was, "He knows I hate reading. What a smart asshole."

Without a word, Louis just stared at Harry make out with some skimpy, little freshman who probably just wanted to try it for fun with some older, foreign guy. Louis knows that all the girls and some guys wanted Harry because of his English accent; apparently it's a huge phenomenon over here in America, but Louis liked Harry for Harry, not his accent. That all went down the drain as Louis's eyes glared at Harry's mouth on that damn girl.

Louis couldn't even open his mouth; didn't even know what to fucking say to break those two apart. So, he grabbed the nearest book and chucked it at Harry's foot. He grew a little gleeful with himself when he heard Harry mutter an "ouch", but it when away when Harry's eyes locked on his own. Without hearing a word, Louis ran out of that library as fast as he could.

Harry texted and called him multiple times for two weeks after the incident, but Liam answered Louis's phone while he was in the shower one of those times. Let's just say, Louis and Harry's relationship after that was definitely over.

Now, almost two months later, Louis is stuck inside of his dorm room because he is too afraid he'll run into his ex-boyfriend who he's been trying, but nearly failing to get over. It's not that he's remembering how happy he was with Harry for those seven months they were together. Oh heaven's no, but rather it was that all he could feel was the pain and hurt he felt as he relived his boyfriend's face and the smile he wore as the girl was kissing up his neck.

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