Chapter Twelve.

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“Come on Harry, we need to go!” I shouted.
“I’m coming!” He yelled back, appearing at the top of the stairs. And so he was, he smiled at me, flashing his dimples. I rolled my eyes.
“Come on!” I prompted again.
“Watch my mad ninja skills!” He said, jumping down three stairs at a time. At that moment he tripped over his undone shoelaces and fell down the last few steps and flat on his face. Not exactly mad ninja skills, but I’d forgive him.
“Help me.” He groaned.
“Oh believe me, you are beyond help.” I laughed.
He picked himself off the floor and flipped his hair so it was out of his eyes.
I smiled and we left the house. We walked down the street.
“So, how did things go with you and Lou earlier? After I… stormed out…” Harry asked.
“Sorry Harry, I don’t kiss and tell!” I smirked.
“YOU KISSED?” He seemed pleased, but I couldn’t help but notice an edge of disappointment in his voice.
“Yes we did,” I smiled.
“But… why?” Harry asked.
“The hearts wants what the heart wants, Harry! I bet you know the feeling.” I winked, meaning Ellie, obviously.
“More than you’d ever imagine.” Harry sighed.
“What does that mean?” I asked.
“Well, let’s just say, I’ve spent a lot of time wanting something I can’t have.” Harry said.
“Aw, who is it Harry?” I asked, “Or who was it?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Harry mumbled, “It was a while ago now.”
“Okay,” I said, as we entered the side gate of the university.
I decided whatever was on Harry’s mind was staying in his mind for a reason, so like a good friend (HINT HINT HANNAH) I didn’t pry for any more information. He’d tell me if he wanted to.
We entered the building. I immediately saw Louis and Eleanor. As we approached them, it had been apparent that The Banshee had been crying. Awwh, the witch does have feeling. Maybe if she cried some more, she’d melt from her own tears. Oh my god! Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like swimming, the touch of water makes her melt… Or she’s a secret mermaid… No, mermaids are cool… She’s a mermonster. Yes, they exist… Well actually, they don’t exist, but the thought of them existed, if you see what I mean… Which you probably don’t because half the time I talk complete rubbish and the other half of the time, I’m kissing, hugging or shagging someone. Actually, that’s a lie. Sometimes I make sense. Sometimes.
“Hey, Lou.” I smiled. He looked away. Okay, so he was obviously embarrassed about kissing me earlier… Who wouldn’t be? I mean, I’m an embarrassment to nature. I think I get it from my mum though… Or my dad when he’s trying to be ‘cool’ and goes to all these music festivals with his friend Jon, clinging on to their youth and when he wears SuperDry and claims he’s the coolest dad in the world because he has SuperDry shoes. And you’re just like, no dad. Just no. Anyway, back to Louis and The Banshee.
“What’s the matter Eleanor?” Harry asked.
“Well,” She sniffed. Oh this could be a long and tedious story. Great, “My mom, she’s sick, and I have to go back to America for a few weeks to help her out.”
“Oh, what a shame,” I said, Louis glared at me, he obviously wasn’t happy with my tone of voice.
“Yeah, well, I’m leaving tomorrow,” She sobbed, “I can’t bear to be away from my Louis Poo for more than a minute!”
Louis Poo? What the hell?
“What time is your flight?” I asked, eagerly. Louis was not amused.
“Three fifteen.” She sighed.
Louis flicked his gaze to me, “Can I speak to you Chloe?”
“Sure.” I smiled.
“Over there,” He said, indicating to an alcove in the wall.
“Sure.” I repeated, and followed him.
“Right,” He said turning to face me. He was being forceful, I liked forceful Louis, “Eleanor is leaving but that doesn’t mean anything can happen between us. Because even though I can’t stop thinking about you, it was wrong.”
“Or was it?” I smirked.
“It was wrong.” Louis said.
“Yeah,” I agreed, “Kissing you, totally wrong.”
Louis rolled his eyes.
“However,” He said. Ooh, a however, I always like these. Along with buts. Buts are cool. I LIKE BIG BUTS AND I CANNOT LIE… No Chloe, just no.
“I think we need to get each other out of our systems. So one night.”
This sounded promising.
“And what will we do on this one night?” I asked. I knew full well what Louis was implying. I just wanted to hear him say it.
“Meaningless, and yes, MEANINGLESS sex. Okay? One night, that’s all, and then we’re just friends.” Louis said.
“Sure.” I smiled.
Well… This sounded pretty good. I get one more night with Louis, with no strings attached. Wow, I really am a little slut, sleeping with two boys in one week. Naughty Chloe. I was on a roll here.
“When then?” Louis said.
“She leaves at Three Fifteen so I’m thinking… Three twenty?”
Louis rolled his eyes, “This is why I broke up with you.”
I laughed, “No, you broke up with me because you moved to America, you dick.”
“Well, if we did break up, it would be because of your terrible humor.” Louis said.
“Hey, I think I’m quite funny!” I defended myself.
“And you’re so modest too.”
I folded my arms.
“Anyway, what time?” I said.
“Saturday, half ten, your place. Be by the pool.” He said.
Well, that sounded kinky. By the pool. Skinny dipping. Oh, that’s making me think of my favorite Katy Perry song now. Last Friday Night.
We rejoined Harry and Eleanor and entered the lecture. I tried not to look at Louis too much. But I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t sure what Saturday was going to be like, but I knew it would be interesting to say the least…

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