Chapter 29

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I awoke next in a cold metal 7ft by 7ft cell. I stood up, but the memories of last night danced around my head making my vision blurry. I rubbed my forehead, and tried again. This time it was a success. Then the wolf that had been outside the log cabin, came by and dropped off some food, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

"Hey! What am I doing here?" I growled.

"The master wants you In 5 minutesHe said bowing his head.

"Well tell Adam kiss my ass!" I snapped.

"Adam isn't the master." He said glancing at me from the corner of his eye. Ok? What the hell? Then who is? James? 'How dare you call our mate evil!' My wolf growled. I cringed at her anger. I sat down in the cell. Looking at my torn up stained clothes. How long have I been asleep? For sure more then a day. I looked at the person in the cell across from me, it was a little girl about 8-7.

"Hey what's your name? Little girl." I say taking a bite of the bitter corn. She looks at me for a moment with sadness and fear in her eyes.

"Jewels." She mutters under her breath. She looks up to meet my soft gaze. She was so damn skinny looked like she hadn't eaten in a year. I slid my tray under the cell across the hall to her cell. She looks at me confused for a while then. Gratefully eats the food. I hear keys jingle, then the door clicks open. The girl quickly slides me the empty tray. I take it in hand, and stand up. It's that guy again.

"Could you please do your luna A favor, and tell me what the hell is going on?" I say after he opens the cell, and roughly takes my wrist. He doesn't say anything just takes me out of the room, and into another. We are in a huge gathering hall with chairs lined on both sides, and a big chair in the middle higher then the others, and 2 chairs on each side. Then the chair spins around, and I almost collapse in shock.

Authors note: I though I updated last night but apparently I didn't hit the right button. So yeah remember to stay dumb and shit bricks!

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