Chapter 5: Confrontations

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AN: Well guys here is another chapter! I encourage you guys to vote and comment that way you could let me know how i'm doing with the story! Well anywho, hope you guys enjoy!!!

“OH MY GOSH!” I screamed voice booming, afraid of what happened. I looked down at my arms, wondering if I would be harmed by the electricity that was using my body as a circuit.

The stinging sensation that had been present in my arms had only gotten stronger, and had traveled to the rest of my body. It was torture. It felt that every nerve in my body was being electrified then slowly ripped apart, pain ricocheting throughout my body. I fell to the floor, assuming a fetal position as if curling into myself would make the pain stop. I cried; the pain was all too much for anyone to bear. A second later my head started to hurt and my vision went blurry, edges of darkness threatening to overcome my vision entirely. And that’s what happened.

*25 minutes later*

I’m dead aren’t I? Yes. I thought.

 All I see is darkness surrounding me, my body feeling unpleasantly cold. It felt as if I was sinking into a sea of nothingness, nothingholding me down or stopping me from falling further into the abyss. Death was my acquaintance, and I was slowly accepting it. I kept falling further until I reached some sort of light. It felt warm, something that one was willing to accept. From what I could make out, the silhouette of my hand reached out, willing to accept the threshold that would take me away from my life forever. That was until I was suddenly stopped by what would be considered a floor under me. I sank to this floor, and here I stayed, unable to move or do anything, too physically broken to do anything. Suddenly the light intensified to an unbearably blinding state, and a loud, booming voice echoed from the darkness.

You will be the one to save us….to stop Juno. I will take you away from death…to end it all. Harness your power Eleora; do not be harmed by it.

Suddenly there was a huge cracking sound in the floor, and the inevitable happened. The floor shattered. I kept falling until I found myself at the place in which this whole mess began; the room. I opened my eyes, feeling perplexed about the situation that had happened.

What was that?

I sat up with amazing ease, as if nothing happened to my body in the first place. I stared down at my hands, inspecting them to make sure I was okay. My skin was amazingly smooth and pure, as if it had not been touched by anything before. Although my arms were okay, I needed to check that my whole being entirely was alright. I walked to the full body mirror that was in what we called the game room, and everything was fine…until I realized that three fourths of my hair had been lost. The hair that had almost reached my knees had been gone, making it reach only the length of my soldiers. Not only that, but my once completely dark brown hair had been corrupted by the caramel colored tips, that extended and started to thin towards the middle of my hair. Wondering what else what changed, I looked at my face and to say the least, I almost didn’t recognize the girl staring back at me. Wide doe like blue and yellow eyes stared back at me, capturing my interest.

“WOAH!” I said, completely amazed at the burst of color that my eyes had in comparison to my dull brown ones I had before.

I stretched both eyelids away from each other with my index finger and thumb, and examined my eyes. At my iris, my eyes had almost taken on a navy blue, amazing me entirely. Almost at the middle at my eye, they gradually became lighter, ending at an almost aqua blue. At my pupil my eyes had bursts of yellow which had gone from the center to the outermost region of the eye, almost like the sun and its rays.

“I had no idea that a near death experience came with a makeover.” I said sarcastically and stood more upright. I was able to stand but in the end I felt gradually weaker than what I did before.

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