Chapter 19

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~ Valentine ~

"First off Troy, the reason I didn't tell you that we were "over" as you so politely put it. Is because I know you don't like him." He started letting out a long sigh. "First, I didn't say I did not like him. I just don't think you two are a good fit for each other that's all." I started to let out a long grunt, but I just rolled my eyes instead. "Troy shut the fuck up. You get on my damn nerves."

"Look I'm just saying there's nobody really good out there for my best friend." I started smiling. I know he's trying to look out for me because that's what best friends do, but there's plenty of other ways to tell your best friend that somebody is not good. I pulled into the parking lot of Marcus and I's apartment complex and just sat there. "Let me ask you a question." "Go ahead."

"Why don't you like Marcus. really tell the truth why don't you really like him?" I waited for a response over the phone. "Because there was always something about him that he seemed like he was hiding. Not only from you but from everybody else as well and--." he paused for a minute. "I don't know, I just felt as though he was lying. Like he had a child or something or a crazy ex. I don't know it's really hard to explain." I started laughing and had to pause and think for a minute. "The only crazy person in his life is me and the only reason why I haven't displayed my craziness, yet is because I love him way too much to show that side of me. If there was anything he was hiding anything I know my private detective would be more then happen to find out what he's hiding." Troy started laughing on the other end of the phone. I got out the car and started walking towards the stairs. "Yeah, ok. You're crazy, ha sure."

I started to walk up the second flight of stairs and pulled out the key to unlock the door. "Boy, whatever you just made because Jared got that ass over there whipped." I made the whipping sound with my mouth. "First, I'm not whipped thank you very much. My man just got that good dick and he knows how to put it down." I started laughing as I walked into the apartment. Oldy enough it smelt good in here. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Voss water. Mhm, whatever you say. I started laughing. "I bet every time you hear his name you flinch. Don't you? silence. Mhm, that's what I thought."

"Bitch shut the fuck up you always got some smart shit to say." Troy started talking shit as he always doses when someone's telling the truth about him. "Wait aren't you supposed to be at work?" Troy asked. "I'm on lunch," I told him simply.

"Mm and you talk about me being whipped. You know you going over there to get you some dick." He started laughing. "Boy, whatever you just mad because--." I stopped mid-sentence when I laid eyes on Marcus. Bear chest with blue and black plaid striped underwear on and some white socks. He looked like he just woke up truth be told. His eyes grew big as he started to realize who I was "Valentine." I just stood there and looked at him, while Troy was talking hot shit in my ear.

"Hey asshole, let me call you back." Before he could even say anything, I hung up in his face. Hey. My hands started to get sweaty as I was starting to get uncomfortable. He started running towards me and I could smell the alcohol coming from his pores. "Ewe you reek." I pressed my hand to his chest, then his facial expression changed. "Um, what are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me." He stumbled over his words. I looked down at the ground and let out a sigh. "Well, I still am. I just came to get some more underwear." I looked back into his hazel green eyes. "No. I'm lying. I came here to talk about-" then there was a faint voice that cut me off. "Mm, baby you coming back to bed." Marcus stepped out of the way to reveal a girl standing in the doorway, of the hallway that leads towards the bedrooms. Just then, there were a sea of emotions that washed over me: hatred, anger, confusion, even sadness, so many emotions that I didn't know what to do.

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