VIP night

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Ella's POV

We all leave Señor Frogs and head to the limo. We drive back to the hotel and walk in. Girls are everywhere. Screaming, crying, jumping.

We make our way to the back and get ready. I leave my guitar back there for now, Shawn and I's performance being a surprise.

Finally, we are all announced and we are meeting with the VIP ticket holders.

I make my way around, saying hi, stopping to talk with a few groups, taking pictures, signing things.

I run into Sam, literally. I'm checking my phone and I run into his back. "Oh jeez! Sorry!" He turns around and I feel my face get hot. "Your fine Ella. Don't worry about it." He smiles at me and I smile back. "So how you liking mag?" Sam asks me. "It's great! So many people are wearing my merch! And this isn't even all the people! It's crazy!" "I know right! I love things like this! Just getting to meet people who adore us and look up to us. It makes me feel like I'm making an impact on people's lives."

"You are though! We all are! I've been told 3 times that I've literally stopped people from committing suicide. I almost cried and I told them to DM me on twitter if they ever need to talk. I followed them on twitter. It just hurts me to think people want to commit suicide! And when I'm a reason they don't, I just want to cry happy tears!" He gives me a hug. "What's hard is, before I started making videos, I was depressed, so I know how all these people feel." I say into his shoulder. He squeezes me tighter.

"Please don't go back to that, I like you happy." I smile. A group of girls come up and ask us for pictures and soon we are split up.

Bridget's POV

I'm walking around talking to Taylor. He seems really nice. "So, how you liking Orlando?" He asks me. "It's amazing! This is my favorite weather! It's perfect! I've always wanted to move to Florida, anywhere, just as long as it's Florida." I reply smiling.

I've always wanted to move to Panama City, I went there a few summers ago and I fell in love. It felt like it was the city for me. I loved everything about it, there wasn't a thing I hated about it.

"Nice! Where would you move to? Orlando? Tampa bay? Panama City? Miami?" "Panama City, I went there a few summers ago and fell in love." He nods, smiling. "I turn 18 in March so I'm gonna finish my senior year then move." "Awesome! Do you want to live on the beach or more in the city part?" "Beach, I live for the ocean." "Same!" "So where do you want to move? Or do you want to stay in Indiana?" "Panama City. Beach, same as you." I smile. A few fans come up and ask Taylor for pictures with Taylor. I wander off, in look for Ella.

I finally find her surrounded by at least 20 fans. I wave at her, trying to get her attention. After about 5 minutes I capture it, she excuses herself and comes over.

"What's up?" "Hey, the bet, I was wondering, what if one of us fell for a different person, or if Sam doesn't ask either of us out?" "Um, well, if one of us fell for someone else, they lose, but if Sam doesn't ask either of us out, we both lose, so we both get pranked on our channels." "Alright, got it!" I say, with a smile. We walk back in, but to just be pulled back out.

"The fuck?" I say. I turn around and see Matthew and Taylor standing there. "How much did you hear?" We ask panicking.

"Enough, and we're gonna tell Sam!" They say turning around. We quickly grab the back of their shirts, stopping them short. "Hey! I like this shirt!" Taylor whines.

"No telling! Uh. You can get in on the bet!" Ella says, wide-eyed. "What?!?" I yell. "Do you want them to tell Sam?!?!" She yells back.

"Tell me what?" My eyes go wide. We all whip around, seeing Sam and Harris standing there.

"Uh, nothing, different Sam." Ella says super fast. "Ok... Do you guys want anything from the vending machines? Were getting some." Sam says.

"Coke!" I tell him. Everyone asks for the same.

When he's around the corner I whisper, "they aren't part of the bet!" "We have to unless you want Sam finding out."

I stand there. This is blackmail.

"How should we fit them in?" "Alright, so, whoever loses, one of us," Ella says pointing to me and her, "gets pranked on our YouTube channels, you guys can get in on the pranking and get to do a prank of your own, and the loser is like, um, your slave/ maid person at the next mag." They nod smiling. This won't end well.

We hurry back into VIP night and meet with everyone else. By 10, I'm exhausted, I can barely stand, me and Sam having a more girlier scream contest, I'm sad to say he won, but now he has no voice, my voice barely there, my feet were killing me, i was starving, and just needed sleep overall.

By 11 everyone was gone and I ran to the vending machine raiding it of a lot of its food.

I walk back to my room only to see Bart, Ella, and Sam moving my stuff into Sam and Ella's room. "Thanks." They just nod, they look exhausted. We walked in, Ella grabbing a bag of potato chips. "I'm going to bed." Sam whispers. We nod and continue to eat and drink the stuff I brought back.

By midnight, Ella was asleep and I lay awake, up by something nagging me.


I wake u the next morning and it's noon. I groan turning over just to collide with Ella. "Ow!" She shrieks sitting up in bed. I kinda punched her in the boob. I sit up and see Sam shoot up. "Wha-who-how-potato!" "Potato?" I ask him. He rubs his face. "Huh? Why'd you say potato, and Ella why'd you shriek. Your gonna wake up the hotel." "It's noon Sammy, and you said potato first. Oh, and I accidentally punched Ella in the boob."

"How'd you 'accidentally' punch Ella in the boob?" He says, putting air quotes around the accidentally part. "You don't believe me!" I whine. "Not really." "I woke up, turned over and she was right there, I forgot we shared a bed!"

"Calm down! I know you weren't joking! I was messing with you!" "Jerk." "Well!" I flip him off and walk into the bathroom. I hear Ella laugh behind me.

I shower quickly then put on my clothes Ella put in the bathroom for me. I come out to get my hair dryer and Sam's in the doorway jumping around, Ella rolling around on the floor. "We need to pee!" Ella shrieks.

Sam runs into the bathroom and when he comes out, Ella runs in.

"You could have told us you were showering! We would have peed!" Sam yells at me. "I'll try to remember that next time." I say with a giggle.

I dry my hair in the main part of the room and Sam and Ella shower.(not together you pervs! Separately! Smh at you.😂😁)

I find Ella's curling wand and start to curl my hair. By the time Ella's done with her shower, we have 30 minutes left till we need to be downstairs. "Ella can you curl the back of my hair?!?" I yell at her. She's drying her hair, waiting for the straightener to heat up. "NO! I still need to do my hair!!!" She's frantic, she'll burn herself now.

Sam comes over. "I'll do it." "You know how to do hair?" "I've spent enough time with jenn and Andrea to know how to do hair." "Ah." He curls the back of my hair, not burning me once, while Ella burned herself 3 times.

"Ella! I've told you more than a million times, if your frantic while doing your hair, you are gonna burn yourself." "Yeah ye-ow!" "Sorry!"

I'm patting the burn on the side of her forehead, she keeps squirming though. We are down in the lobby, the boys just hanging out talking.

Cameron comes over and starts laughing. "What'd you do Ella?" He says after calming down. "I was being frantic and I burned myself and stop laughing it hurts a lot!" She whines. He just continues to laugh.


Dododododo chapters over, I had no hw tonight be jelly y'all! 😝



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