Felcitiys POV
I wake up this morning my head is aching charlotte holly chloe are still asleep I go down stairs, no one seems around I grab a glass and fill it with water taking a few pain killers.
I walk in to the lounge area laying on the couch putting a cushion over my head.
I can feel my body drifting off to sleep, then I feel a body leaning over mine
I move the cushion off my head"Morning babes" Scott chirps smirking
"Morning" I reply he wraps his arms around me
"You alright love" he asks looking in my eyes pulling me closer to.
"Yeah scotty, just me head was pounding" I lean my head on his chest
"Aw kyle the big clumsy tit" he says kissing the top of my head
"Yeah, you the only one up" I ask him.
"Nah I saw Aaron go into the showers when I came down here"
Scottys POV
I am going ask her out on a date I think it's the perfect timing while were both sitting alone, i do have feelings for her I haven't shagged for days now if I have blue balls by now..
"I got something to ask you" I say with a smirk on me face.
"Whats that" she says with curiosity plastered on her
"Do you want to go take a walk with me on the beach" I say bluntly
"Sure Scott should we ask the others" she asks
"Just me and you"
"So like a date" she says looking at me
"Maybe you in" I reply with a cheeky smirk.
Felicity POV
Omg Scotts just asked us to go to the beach which sounds like a date im shocked but happy to go with him
He has changed he hasn't pulled in days now so I feel his serious."Sure sounds great Scott when should we go " I smile
"If you wanna go get ready i can meet you at front in an hour" he says
"Alright I'll go get ready" I say getting up
I dress it casual I wear blue skinny jeans with a crop top I apply a little make up and put my hair up in a messy bun throwing on my sneakers.
The girls are still sleeping I rush downstairs and open the door Scotts waiting on the front steps.
"You ready to go babe by the way your looking fit even tho you could've just wore a bikini " he chuckles
"I am ready an no i dont fancy a swim at the moment so that's why I'm just casual" I say walking down to
Scotty grabs my hand as we walk down the on the warm sand the sound of the waves is so peaceful
We walk half way down the beach and stop at a romantic picnic set up
"Scotty did you do all this yourself this is beautiful" I chuckle sitting down next to him he pops the wine open
Pouring two glasses handing me one"Cheers" we both say taking a drink
"So I wanted to get some time with you and see where we're at like whats the crack" he says
"I do like being around ya, and you have showed us that you care about us I do like ya, how about you" I see a smirk on his face
"Obviously I have got feelings for ya, I dont know what it is but when you first walked in i was lured to you not just by your rocking bod but you an absolute mint bird, I just want the chance with you" I look into his eyes I can see he means every word I cant believe that scotty t wants to settle down with someone but more that he isn't the big puller like he was i feel so close to him right now
"Your so sweet babe and I do want to give ya that chance just you have to play your cards right mister" I say with a smirk he pulls me in on his lap holding me we watch the waves crash for what seems like forever then decided its time to get that lot up.
"I had a really great time scotty thank you"
"No worries babes" he says quickly moving to get a cheeky pinch on my bum.
I chuckle
"Your a cheeky bugger" I push his toned chest.
This is actually perfect
Walking back into the house almost everyone is downstairs beside marnie gaz and holly
"Where have you two been" charlotte yells out
"We just went for a walk on the beach man" Scott replys
"Well get you butts in here cause we have work in less than 3 hours im buzzing it's a boat party" chloe says
"We better get ready then" I look at Scott he nods in agreement
The girls follow me upstairs I raid through my suitcase to find me bikini
"So what did you and him really do" charlotte says in a devious tone
"What guys nothing really he just took me a on a romantic date on the beach" I exclaim
The girls looked shocked"He did what" charlotte says shocked
"I'm serious you guys" I chuckle
"This is not like him at all his changed its a new him it's a miracle" charlotte whispers
"He says he has feelings for us" I blush applying some waterproof make up
"Omg I can't believe this i knew there was something between you guys"
"He just came on to me so hard like I don't know what to do I actually am starting to catch feelings with him"
"His a propa Bellend babe just be careful please" chloe says hugging me from behind
" I will be careful chloe I promise"
"Why are we still sitting around gossiping girls lets go get mortal on that boat party holly chirps up fixing her hair in to place.
We head out to the cabs lets do this
Comment please 😊😊😊
I accidently unpublished this chapter sorry guys x

Geordie Shore Story
FanfictionSo its back to the house for the Geordie's after there last season back in new castle for more getting mortal more tashing on and more drama , as new Geordies arrives.