Felicity POV
Gaz just tried to kiss me but the phone rings distracting us even tho I wanted to so bad I wish I was more like the lads just snog, shag and boot but I think gaz might have feelings for me but then I remeber gaz talking to some bird the other night in the vip area but I didn't say anything feeling guilty what happened between Scott. I think to myself as the door bell rings from downstairs just after holly call out for Aaron, Garry and charlotte to come down im so glad I don't have work tonight I smile applying make up to myself look decent for the night, I need to talk to someone about all this but I cant talk to Chloe because she will think I'm a bitch for necking on with Scott again. I sigh and continue to do my make up ....
Just thinking of her in walks Chloe
" fel, I have something tell you" she says excitedly closing the door,
"what's up chl"
"last night I shagged a fit lad, anddd I got his number" she giggles jumping around I happy danced with her.
"so you gonna call him" I ask
"of course I am" I'm happy about her being one step over Scott which now I'm hopping she wont be upset about it all. I smile getting ready with Chloe wearing a rainbow tie dye dress putting on my black flats, I look over at Chloe who is wearing a tight blue dress with blue heels
"looking good Chloe" I whistle as she does a spin to show off.
"I'm so glad that we don't have to be at work tonight" Chloe admits
"me to" I say nodding my head, tying my hair in a high pony tail
"atleast I don't have to worry about that dick scotty fucking t anymore" she chuckles I smile looking at her
"I'm happy for you clo, I'm going to get a drink" I say
"ill be down soon" chloe replys
I walk downstairs and pour myself a drink waiting for someone to come down by the looks of it I'm the first one ready.
We get Into the club it is pumping "lets get mortal" i scream over the music, we all do a family round of shots, and start having a wicked time.
Chloe and charlotte have already started dancing I chuckle watching them trying to dance sexy over each other pouring myself another drink.
I catch Scott standing with the lads starring at me, I look away. I cant let myself get stuck between two lads I haven't got real close feelings with either of them because I only just met them but I care about them both. I down the rest of my drink and start dancing with chloe and char.
I was having a good time till scott walks up and asks to talk to us in private.
I follow him away from the drunk dancing girls
"about, last night, I don't really know what happened but I know we kissed. And I just don't want to give you the wrong signals because garry has feelings for me and we both know it would hurt him even if he knew that this happened.
I see scotty face drop, he looks away from me and downs the rest of his drink.
"felicity, as soon as I saw you walk through the door there was something about you. Apart of me wanted to get to know you better and be close with you" he says.
"I care about you scotty a lot, but this cant happen, I want us to be close without the flirting and sexual attention" I chuckle at my last words I see a smile on Scott's face. I feel really bad. I can t tear this family apart
I pull Scott in for a hug.
Marnie's POV
I don't know what this new girls aim is but is she for real, leading scotty and garry on, I care about the lads and I don't want them hurt or our family torn because of some slag I think to myself as I watch felicity and Scott now hugging, seeing her with Scott the other night. And gaz this morning and Scott again I'm fuming, maybe I've had to much to drink but its still wrong. I put down my cup
"what's wrong love" Aaron says coming up behind me I point over in the direction of felicity and Scott.
"what about them" he questions. I roll my eyes
"she a slag she's all over gaz then scott" I yell over the loud music
"there not doing anything wrong babe, there talking by the looks of it" fuck off Aaron" this girl is making us more angry I walk over to them
"what are yous doing" I ask
"talking what does It look like" felicity says.
"why you all over Scott, you gonna shag him tonight"
"what the fuck, sit your drunk ass down", I toss my drink at them both "what the fuck man "Scott yells
"your a fucking slag" I yell shoving felicity, "she starts yelling back I try to move to slap her but I'm being held back by the lads.
Felicitys POV
"what the fuck is her problem" I scream out in frustration. Im done with today I grab a bottle of vodka and start drinking from the bottle
"what was all the about, you okay love" I hear Gaz sweet voice from behind me "I honest have no idea what got into Marnie, but she is right about one thing"He sits beside me "what's that" I stare at the ground
"me being a slag"
"no your not babe, that's no true at all" he says wrapping his arm around me. "Garry I don't know what to do".
"everything is okay, don't worry i just need to clear my head, I'm going home for a few days" I sigh " I just need to see me mum"
"okay love, come back please" I hug Garry. I go up to the girls room
"Chloe can I talk to you"
"what's up babe"
I sit beside her "I'm going to go home for a night or two to just think" I say
"what's wrong" she says with worry In her voice.
" I don't want any one to get hurt Garry clearly likes me but Scott and I necked on the other night in the club I was lonely and drunk, and after it happened last time they got into a fight"
Chloe looks at me blank for a moment "scots an asshole he would've just been trying to get ya into to bed, I'm glad that I'm done with him" Chloe states " Gaz wont be happy with Scott but if he does like ya he will still try"
"Chloe I'm not ready for a relationship yet, I need to be happy get mortal and not worry about men" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air.
"fel I love ya alright and I'm always here for you do you want me to come with you we can have a girls night just me you and your mum" she says
"thanks babe, its okay ill be fine I need this" she squeezes me "can you please tell the others for me"
She nods "you better be back or ill come hunt ya down"
"Ill be back I promise" Chloe walks me outside. I hug her once more before getting into the cab.
Sorry its been awhile, hope you guys like this chapter im working on the next two chapters.
I would also like to thank you all so much for reading. :3

Geordie Shore Story
FanficSo its back to the house for the Geordie's after there last season back in new castle for more getting mortal more tashing on and more drama , as new Geordies arrives.