All in my Mind

16 1 0

September 15, 2014

The Girl

It's been a little over a week since I've been to the wall.

While walking home from school. I feel myself being pulled to it. I don't want to go, I was already soaked from the pouring ran.

I turn the corner of Armistad the opening of the alley is just into view.

I'm taken aback. As of this moment I felt everything I saw before. I experienced everything is the short moment of my life. I felt powerless, but as if I gained everything that was to live for. After I few moments I knew why.

There she was.

The second I saw her, time stopped. I couldn't move or speak, only feel. I've been feeling a lot lately, its horrible and wonderful all at the same time.

I started missing her and I didn't understand why.

I shuffled in her direction, stopping when my had was inches from her silky blonde hair. The particles fluttered away. As if she was holographic.

I missed her because she was gone.

I can feel before I understand. I hurt before I can feel.

Something told me I needed her. No, everything that completes my being longed for the feeling of having her back.

Who did I see staring at the wall? Was it her, or was it I myself as I saw it the first time?

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