Chapter 2

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India POV

I woke up around 8 this morning, and took a nice warm shower. After that, I dried myself off, and I kept my hair in its curls. I went to my closet, and picked out blue sweats with the word Armour on the side in black letters. I wore a plain black shirt and my Gamma blue 12's. Remembering that my dad said I had to dress comfortable. I put on a little makeup and walked over to my night stand.

I took my phone off my night stand, and put it in my purse. I grabbed my Nike bag, purse and charger, then walked downstairs. I made a bowl of Captain Crunch, and started eating.

After that, Jazzy walked down with blue ripped skinny jeans. She always wears ripped jeans, I don't know why though. Anyways, she had on a white Marvel shirt and the same shoes as me. Jazeera isn't allowed to wear makeup like that. She only puts on lip gloss, and a pinch of mascara. Jazeera and I, are such tomboys. We really don't like wearing all that makeup or worry about getting grind and dirty, because we get the job done.

"Sup Dia," Jazzy said sitting down next to me with a bowl of the same cereal as me.

"Hey Jazzy! What ya doin after school?" I asked finishing my food and putting it in the dishwasher.

"I don't know. I may go to Diana's house or just come home. I don't really feel volleyball like I used to,"she said playing with her food.

"Why don't you quit or sit out for a while?" I asked sitting back down.

"Because, I don't wanna let mom down. She's always trying to push me and I don't wanna hurt her."

"Oh, well I would've did the complete opposite. I mean, mom is cool and all but I really don't care for her that much,"I said getting up. I grabbed my stuff and began to walk out the door to get to school. I walked back to the kitchen and gave Jazzy a hug. "You'll be fine. Either way, you still have your big sister."

I smiled and then I walked out the door. I made my way to my 2014 Lacrosse. I got inside my car and made my way to school.

I pulled up to Linwood High School, and got out my car making my way to the huge building. I opened the door and I walked inside hearing the noisy hallways and lockers closing and opening.

I went to my locker and pit in my combination. I opened my locker and put my stuff in there, except for the things I needed for first hour, which was Science. After that my locker closed and I looked to my right to see Ravyn.

"Girl you really need to work on yo reflexes. Cuz if somebody were to close my locker, I would've snatched them up then and there,"she said in her ghetto voice. I chuckled a bit and we walked to our first hour.

"So, you ready for Saturday? You know the school has their annual assistance exchange every year!"she said happily. I was also excited.

Assistance Annual Exchange known as AAE, is for the young talented high schoolers. You compete in the same country, just different districts. This would be my first year since freshman isn't allowed to attend. Now, I am a sophmore so this is my first year. Anyways, the reason why it's called the AAE, is because in order to participate you have to be in a group.

There is only five groups, A, B, C, D, and E. A is advanced, B is Better, C is Complete and D is just like getting in f which would be fail. You have to exchange a student if you do horribly on your audition. If you were at an A, and you did horrible for the second audition, you would go to the other groups. So yea...

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