Chapter 8

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Jazeera POV

I looked all around the house for some type of sign, giving me hope that my sister did not leave me and my family. I know it's hard, but I loved my father as much as she did. As much as everyone else did too! I can't believe she left.

"Mom, don't lie to me! Where did she go? "I yelled at my mom. She stayed seated with a bottle of alcohol in one hand, and the remote in the other.

"Jazzy shut up okay!? Just shut up, ya sister isn't here can't you see that? She left us because she's a dirty slut. Okay, now if you wanna act like one to pack ya bags and leave I don't  have time to be raising No babies! So shut the hell up!" she yelled back. I closed my mouth and started crying silently. I ran upstairs to Waylon's room, and he was playing his Xbox live.

"Hey kiddo! Um, sister isn't gonna be back for a while. But, you have me, and I know my mom is acting selfish and exotic but, I won't leave you. Even if that means you and me will have to get away from this place,"I said to him. He paused his game and he came to sit next to me on the ground.

"Mom and India to? "he asked.

"I don't know about India, but mom isn't coming period,"

"But Why!? Daddy told us to not leave family behind and we are Jaz. I don't want to grow up without a mom or dad,"he responded back upset.

"Can't you see you already are! Mom isn't home anymore, India left and Dad is GONE! HE'S NEVER COMING BACK, AS MUCH AS CALL HIS NAME HE WILL NEVER, ANSWER YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?"I yelled. Waylon nodded his head slowly, and he began to cry. I held him as he cried in my arms. "I can be your mom. We'll come back and visit. I haven't even decided if were should go yet so don't give your hopes up. I love you Waylon, "I said softly. We'll just have to see what happens.

India POV

I packed up all my stuff and made sat down in the chair for a second. Everyone was about to leave. Then, Jamie came over here by me.

"Wassup, "she said taking a seat next to me.

"Hey,"I said quietly.

"I heard about that paper you found. And, our crew tried out the day when...but Yea. And....we made it!"she said happily. I faced her and smiled and patted her back.

"That's good! I'm sorry I missed it. I should've stuck up for my team. Maybe I am to small in the head, Maybe I am just a kid, Maybe I am not qualified for this group,"I responded.

"Girl whatever! You just as good as everybody else. Just because a little bump in the road messed you up bit you ain't lost forever- and you ain't gone sit here and down yourself like a kid. Ain't nobody perfect but you sure as hell ain't No noob to this. Get it together,"she said. She shook her head and left me sitting their feeling guilty. I put my bag on my shoulders and stood up. I walked over to Tyrone and he was talking to Malik.

"Wassup Ma. But, Malik got something to ask you,"Tyrone spoke nudging Malik in the shoulder. He came up to me and looked at me dead in my eyes.

"Look, me and you proly ain't never gone be tight. But you still family and I'd stick up for you like you were my little sister. Yo dance moves are incredible, which I think is very attractive for a young girl like you but Anyways,"he said. I was confused as heck. "So, with that being said. You officially a Gold3n girl, that Also means you gone be at the competition. We told the judges about yo pops and come to find out, the judges thought yo father was the best dancer there was. They gone let you participate in the competition. So, you rockin wit us...or are you gone quit and leave us hangin? "he said. I choked up and I almost started crying. I turned around not facing them and thought for a second. What would my Daddy do? Me and my dad was tight to the hip. How could I dance without him? If I mess up, the whole crew messes up. That Also means that I have to be up here most of my time. I know I haven't talk to my siblings all day, I wonder how the rest of the weeks go. Dancing is my life, and without it, of be dead just ad much as my daddy  is now.

"My Daddy used to tell me the reason Why you dance, is because music lives within you, and it takes a real person to confess that. Of course that's the reason of Why I do what I do. I'm stuck to dance like glue, but if my Daddy gone dance is too. He wouldn't want that for me nor would some parts of my family. But I know who I am and what I do,"I said. I turned back to face them and looked at all of them one by one. Just seeing if they needed me, and they do. I made a commitment to this crew and this was my squad. "Gold3n y'all must be ready to win that gold cuz I sure as he'll am,"I said. They all smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'm down with that,"they all jumped up except for Malik who was nodding his head looking at me.

"Speak No more girl. Just dance,"he said. He came up to me and he hugged me and I hugged back.

"You ready to go India?"Tyrone asked. I nodded my head and grabbed all my stuff. I said goodbye to everyone and we walked out the studio. "You gone like here. I can promise you that,"Tyrone said as we got into the car. "You hungry? "he asked.

"Yea a lil bit,"I said. He pulled up to this Chinese buffet called Mama China's and we went inside. We fixed our plates and we found a table to sit at and started eating. "Do you know how to speak French? "I asked him. He looked at me confused and we started laughing at the same time.

"That was real random. Why, you need help on it?"he said still laughing. I rolled my eyes and kicked him under the table.

"In all honesty, Yes I do. My daddy's funeral is in two days and my French project about my life is due in a week, and on top of that it has to be 550 words,"I said. He looked at me and just stared. I looked at him confused and he chuckled. "I'm not playing with you Tyrone!"I said throwing a piece of noodle at him. He looked at me shocked and he licked up the noodle from his shirt and ate it. I laughed at him and so did he. "You are childish dude,"I said.

"Nah but for real. My sister know some. You should ask her,"he said.

"Yo little sister know French? "I asked shocked. He smacked his teeth and shook his head.

"No n*gga how a lil 5 year old gone know French? "he asked.

"Well how was I supposed to know you ain't tell me you had another sister. And for the record kids came catch on fast dummy, "I said.

"Don't get hurt. But I'm talkin bout my older sister Tehya. She 20 and she still live with us so you can come over or sum and ask her,"he said. I nodded my head and we continued to eat and talk. We talked about our siblings and where we wanted to go to college. Checking up on each others grades and stuff. We talked about a lot and we learned a lot about each other. After we ate, he took me to his house and I got my car. I gave him a hug bye but then he kissed me on my forehead. "Keep on smiling and kept that big a** head up for me,"he said. I mused his head and chuckled.

"Bye monkey,"I said walking to my car. He gave me a piece sign and waited until I drove off. I got to my grandma's house and I went up to my room. I took a quick shower, put on my PJ's and then went to sleep.





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