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I wake up on Joe's couch, cuddling next to him. I guess we fell asleep to the movie we watched.

I grab my phone to check the time.
7:34 pm
August 18th

(I'm at Joe's flat in London, I also live in London. PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!!!)

I feel Joe squirm around, he's having another dream.
Soon enough his eyes blink open and a smile grows on his face.
"Ello, beautiful." He smiles. I blush at his comment.
"Ello, sleepy head." I lightly laugh and smile.
"What's the time?" He asks groggily.
"7:38 now. It was 7:34." I smile. He offers a smile back.
"I'm hungry." I say.
"Well let master Joseph Graham Sugg be your chef for tonight!" He jolts up and walks to the kitchen. He's wearing his black sweat pants and shirtless as usual. His abs are so defined and cut so well into his stomach that I can't help but stare.
"Want a piece?" He smirks, snapping me out of my day dream. I realized he was talking about his body. I uncomfortably smiled and began to presume as embarrassed.
"Sorry. I was just thinking about a video idea." I try and cover up the fact that I wanted to say yes to his obvious question.
"Oh yeah... what idea?" He smirks while getting some ingredients from his kitchen fridge.
"I don't know like maybe best friend vs best friend. You vs Zoe?" I say while sitting up and sitting criss cross with my legs.
"Sounds like fun. Your 11 million people will love that!" He always complains about how I have 11 million subscribers and he only has 7 million.
"Every time you mention that I feel like a bad friend." I drool my smile to a frown.
"I'm sorry, love." He offers a 'I fucked up please forgive me' smile.
"It's fine." I smile back.

He's chopping up something, I don't know what but it smells delicious. I walk over to his side in the kitchen.
"What you makin?" I ask.
He's had his vlogging camera on for a bit now.
"Chicken stir fry with brown rice and green beans." He grabs the spatula and stirs the stir fry.
"Well it smells delicious Mr.Sugg." I smile to him. He looks at me with his big beautiful blue eyes and smiles. Something in his eyes clicked. He leans into my lips and pecks them.
"Your gonna have to edit that out." I joke.
He kisses me again.
"That one to." He grins causing me to bite my lip.
He trails back into his vlog but I can tell he's acting different.

Joe kisses me all the time but as like best friend kisses. No one has ever seen us kiss before. Just hug, hold hands and flirt. We are kinds secret about it cause we like to act like we're ninjas, sneaking kisses the most possible times without ever getting caught. All of our fans call us #Soseph or #Jom
It's really cute.

Joe started to act quite different. He started acting with lust and like he was trying to hold back something.

He put our food on our plates and set his camera down. He walks in my direction and kisses me, harder than ever. He leans me up against a wall and it turns into a make out soon enough. His hands going across my whole body and mine allowing it.
We both pull apart for breath, the other panting for breath.
"I've been waiting to do that all night." He bites his lip.
"Just wish you would of done it sooner." I smirk to him. We both go back into the kiss. His muscle toned body pressing up against mine. Joe's knee goes between my legs and sets us in a better position. He starts to kiss down my neck letting noises come from my mouth. It feels so unreal and imagination based.
*pound knock*
We hear on the door.
"Maynard!" We hear the brothers yell from the door.
"Ugh. I forgot I had invited them round for a game of FIFA." Joe sighs. He pecks my lips and pulls us apart. I adjust my clothes as Joe throws his white shirt on to answer the door.
I hear the Maynard brothers getting greeted by Joe in the foyer.
They walk into the room laughing about something.
"Hey Sam! Didn't know you were round?" Conor says and comes over to hug me. He wraps his arms around my body and I do as well.
"Ello, Conor." I say to the older Maynard. We let go of our embrace and I go over to the younger Maynard, Jack.
"Sup, girl." Jack says hugging me.
"Nothing much. Just about to eat dinner." I tell him while letting go of our hold.
"Oh we didn't interrupt you two did we?" Conor innocently asks. 
"Nope." I respond.
I could see the 'I'm sorry' in Joe's eyes. I go over to my plate of food and sit down to eat. Joe and the Maynard's continue to chat as well as setting up a game of FIFA.
"You gonna play a round, Sam?" Joe asks.
"Maybe in a bit." I tell him.
"Okay." Joe says. The brothers talk about something as Joe comes over to my chair.
"Look... I'm so sorry. I wanna spend the night with you but totally forgot they were coming for football night." He whispers so they can't hear.
"It's fine." I smile at him.
"You sure?" He cocks his eye brow.
"To prove it I would kiss you but then they would see. But yes I'm sure." I say.
"Okay. Come join FIFA after your done." He pecks my lips quickly and heads back to the boys on the couch.

Sugg Life-Joe Sugg Fan Fic Where stories live. Discover now