Into His "Lair"

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"We find the goat and give him down. It's the only way." an old man's voice rasps.

"There's reason here." a grown man's voice thooms from the same source.

"If we had a visitor... if we did, he could be our goat. We need a goat. To bear our guilt, our gender." a young hill billy voice mutters.

"A small piece of flesh between us and the blade." a feminine voice says.

"What in creation are you talkin' about?" the grown man asks.

"We give him other flesh and he s-s-spares ours." the young voice sputters.

"That's the idea. We feed him a goat and leave him alone." the feminine voice says reassuringly.

Her eyes widen as she approaches a crevasse and slips through it carefully to not knock over any canisters. When she makes it out from it she listens closely to the voices coming from one area.

"W-w-walk s-s-softer. He c-can't know we're up here." the young voice says worriedly and panicky.

"He won't come up here. We keep giving him other poor fuckers to cut up and we're fine." the feminine voice says irritatingly.

"The more you whine, the more attention you draw." the grown voice says in a deep and annoyed tone.

"I-I-I don't wanna get Gluskin's attention. He'll hurt us." the young voice whimpers.

"He'll hurt you. You'd make a pretty woman." the feminine voice mocks and laughs.

"I don't wanna become... I can't. I've seen what he d-does. But the th-things he does..." frightened the young voice stops in fear for a short silence.

"Gluskin's just a man, like any other." the feminine voice responds.

"Everybody, just quiet the fuck down for a spell." the grown voice demands.

A sound echos from beyond the glowing blue tarps. The light illuminates areas in blue from beyond wooden planked walls. She crouches near the planked walls just near a wall separating the inner passage leading past the blue lit area from her. She places down the glow stick to free her hand and make her go unnoticeable. Suddenly the familiar faded orange color appears and the man creeps quietly past cutting right from between the two walls. She notices it but then pauses and replays a familiar name she just heard that jogged her memory of a file she had read.

"I hear somethin', I swear." the grown voice says low yet audible.

"You hear things." the feminine voice scolds.

"The hell I hear things." the grown voice growls.

"Everybody quiet!" the old voice yells out.

"We have an interloper." the feminine voice slowly mutters.

"He's here! Inside the walls!" the grown man yells alerted.

"Rats in the walls! Kill the rats!" the young voice yells and wanders away.

He suddenly books it and she quickly follows now between the two walls leading to a tall edged wall. Just before she gets there she hears a drop and landing from the right of the corner she pauses at.

"Fuck! Where'd he go?!" the grown voice growls.

"I don't know." the feminine voice says low and suspiciously.

"We-we lost him." the young voice timidly states.

"You lost him, you useless fuck!" the feminine voice snaps.

"Shut up! Both of you!" the old man's voice demands rashly.

"We'll find him again." the grown man's voice says reassuringly.

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