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A.N: I'm really sorry I stuck at fight scenes...

Leo's P.O.V.

I picked up my katana's and stood in a fighting stance. We all charged at Shredder, he hit Mikey and Donnie first which caused them to hit a wall. They got back up and started fighting again. You could hear the clashing of out weapons hitting his armor from yards away.

He hit Raph and he went lying into a bild-board, Donnie ran over to him. Mikey was hit into a wall which caused him to get knocked out. I was to focused on them that I didn't even notice that Shredder was heading towards me. I was hit into a wall and as I was getting up I saw that Shinigami was already knocked out. Karai was currently fighting him, I ran over and while he was distracted I kicked him in the face which caused his helmet to fly off.He roared in anger and hit Karai to the same bild-board as Raph. He pinned me to a wall "Your death will be nice and slow, turtle." he said as he drew a blade closer to my neck.

"Stay away from my son!" I looked and saw Sensei, I smiled weakly and then Shredder threw me into Karai. "You will now die in-front of your family." Shredder stated and got into a fighting stance . I coughed and slowly got up and crawled over to Karai "Y-You okay?" I choked out. She slowly turned to me and nodded. "Come on guys." I turned and saw April and Casey motioning us to the Shellraiser, Karai started to get up but quickly fell back down and held her leg. I walked over to her and picked her up I walked (limped) to the Shellraiser and put Karai in.

I started to get in but was quickly pulled back "I'm not done with you yet turtle." Shredder said and he threw me against the ground and put his foot on my plastron. As he pressed harder he was pushed off by Splinter and they started fighting. I slowly got back up and weakly walked to the Shellraiser and got in.

After awhile Sensei jumped I and ordered April to drive as fast as she could, which she did. Sensei got up and went towards me. "It's okay Leonardo, you can sleep now." he said soothingly I started to close my eyes and knowing I was safe I drifted off to sleep.

Time skip.....

I woke up and saw Karai walking towards me with...crutches? I looked down at her leg and saw that cast on it. I sat strait up and she went towards me and kissed my forehead. "You okay?" she asked as she carassed my cheek with her thumb. I nodded "Are you okay?" I asked "Yeah." she replied. She sat next to me and linked her arm with mine. and layed her head on my shoulder.

time skip to night...

Karai's P.O.V.

Me and Leo got into bed and once I turned off the light he clinged onto me for dear life. "Leo, baby it's okay I'm not leaving." I assured him. "Promise?" He asked "Yes, I'll be right here when you wake up, I promise." I told him. He loosened his grip and started to relax.

Time skip to when they wake up...

Okay, is it just me or is Leo being clingy? I had to force his to not go with me into the shower this morning, and once I was done he was right outside the bathroom door waiting for me. He's not leaving me alone! Even though he's being really sweet, everyone needs their alone time.

Once finished eating breakfast I got my crutches and went to the living room, and of course Leo followed me. I put them down and sat on the floor and my back on the couch. He laid his head on my lap and Mikey ran in and turned on Bradford and his 2 ruff crew.

The news channel came on for breaking news and they all came in. What's so important? "We have a few theories on who or what saved this city and from the Kraang and those dinosaurs." The reporter stated. "The military could have done it but they would have told the people by now." he said a few more reasons but the last one caught my attention.

"The most ridiculous theory of all is the mutants, two people stated that a mutant turtle saved them from being mutated from the Kraang. Others say that they saw multiple mutants including the mutant turtles fighting off the dinosaurs. Another thing that got me was that they all said the turtles have weapons and are like ninja's." Father came into the room "And to top this theory off is that there's proof!" he stated and someone came into the studio and showed a video of the guys fighting.

"I am very disappointed in you all, not only one person knows about your secret but multiple." Father stated "Master Splinter they have you too..." Mikey said and Father turned his head and saw that Mikey was right they did have him on video too. "Like I said it is a ridiculous theory but the only one that we have proof, so it might be true. If you do see these turtles you better pay them some respect." He said and then they went to the weather.

"Dude's is this when we become famous?" Mikey asked with a big smile. "I'm surprised no one's taken credit for it yet." Donnie pointed out. "A lot of people have taken credit for it but they couldn't even use a sword correctly." Leo said while starting to sit up strait. "Knowing this city tons of people are going to be looking for us." Raph stated. "I'm afraid Raphael is correct. We need to stay extra stealthy." Father said while stroking his beard. "Guys! Don't you want to be famous!?!??!" Mikey asked confusingly. "Mikey, if we become famous then people would most likely want to know where we live and if they find out then Shredder will know."

Mikey sighed. "Renet said we are destined to be famous one day, this could be the start of it." He said "I'm scared to say it but Mikey could be right." Donnie said. "People don't accept mutants, and even if you guys do say you did it a few people wont believe you just because your mutants" Shini pointed out. "Don't judge a book by it's cover haven't they ever heard of that before?" Mikey asked "Look guys, as much as I do think that you should say that you saved the world and more than once, Shini's right a few people don't accept mutants no matter what you've done for them." I said

"Sensei what do you think?" Leo asked "Don't let the idea of fame get to your head, Leonardo you are the leader this choice is up to you." he said and walked into the dojo. We all looked at Leo "What??" he asked "Guys, give me some time okay." He said and walked into our room. I grabbed my crutches and went after him. Once I got into the room I closed the door and sat on the bed setting my crutches down. "Karai, what do you think?" He asked "I think that it should be no, if you do become famous that means accepting a new species in this world. Like let's say probably alot of protest's and who knows, war." I said. "Karai, what if they accept us though?" He asked "Leo, why is this such a hard decision? It should be easy." I said crossing my arms. "It's easy for you!" he shot back which made me jump. "W-what?" I asked slightly tilting my head.

"For once in our lives we could actually fit in! Maybe even be heroes to some people!" he stated "Leo I-" I started "No!" He yelled cutting me off "You wouldn't understand! You havent been an outcast your entire life!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed so he sat next to me and I stared at him. "Leonardo" I started "If it really means that much to you then I'll go with it." I said and he smiled and tackled me into a bear hug and kissed me, and I kissed back. He pulled back and got up. "Let's go tell the guys." he said and I grabbed my crutches and we went out of the room.

A/N: Okay so I'm all over the place in this chapter. Before you know I'll make a sequel to this about all the protests they go through..wait thats a good idea *writes it down* dont be a suprised if it happens....*starts to wirte the sequel* *Says lowly* Dont judge me

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