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August 12, 2024

Hey. My name is Amanda Padovan, and I'm going to share my story. Its a story of love, humor, horror, drama, and tragedy. Its long, but exciting. Its sad, but entertaining. Its my story. Maybe will even become a musical one day like Hamilton, but that's only one of my many thoughts. So, lets start.

March 22nd, 2016

   My mom woke me up once again. But I wasn't annoyed or tired, I was actually excited. Today was the day I auditioned for 'Your A Good Man, Charlie Brown'. Its one of my favorite musicals. I'm singing Don't Rain on my Parade. Everyone in my family always told me in a good belter. Oh, I didn't mention. I've actually been on Broadway before. When I was 6, I played Molly in Annie. When I was 8, I played Alice in Matilda. When I was 10, I played JoJo in Seussical, and finally now, being 12, I'm trying out for Charlie Brown. Its amazing really. 

   My mom left the room, leaving me to get dressed. I put on black leggings, a black tank top, and an army green cardigan. "Amanda! Hurry up! We have to be there in an hour and its a forty minute drive!" My mom called up to me. I groaned, "I know Mom!" I called back, "Do your stretches as well! You don't know if your dancing or not!" I rolled my eyes. "Okay Mom!" I put on gray Converse, and put my hair in a half-up half-down style. 

   I set a timer for twenty minutes and put on music. I stretched my legs, arms, back, and head. "Mom, is Luca coming?" I yelled down to her. My family was little, but busy. Luca is my little brother, if you didn't notice by my last name. "No, he isn't." I finished my straddle stretch once my timer went off. I grabbed my phone, my jacket, my sheet music, and ran downstairs. "You ready, kiddo?" My mom smiled at me. "You bet."

~Time Skip~

   While in the car, I did my normal voice exercises. We got to the studio and walked inside. Right away I recognized a bunch of people. There wasn't a lot of people there. But, I spotted my best friend, well one I never talk to anymore. Joshua Colley. We spotted each other and immediately ran and hugged each other. "Amanda!" I smiled. "Josh!" We let go of the hug. "It seems like forever." Josh said with wide eyes. "I know right, we should exchange numbers!" I handed him my phone, and he handed me his. I added my number with the picture as a picture of the both of us saved on his phone.

   I will admit, he did get a little taller. He's taller than me by at least two inches. Puberty is going to hit him like a slap in the face pretty soon. "Welcome everyone!" A young women, maybe in her thirties quieted us. "I'm all so glad you kids came to tryout today!" I nudged Josh, "Guessing shes the director." He nodded. "I heard shes nice." We turned back to her. "Were going to start off with singing, then maybe do some dialog." She directed us where to sit. I sat next to Josh, of course, near the back. "Aidan Gemme?" A man in an Irish hat announced. He sat on the piano stand.

I unlocked my phone, seeing a message from my best friend Lilla Crawford. 

lil' lilla: Hey! Hows auditions goin?

me: there going

lil' lilla: Good or bad?

me: kinda good. so far the people trying out are really good.

lil' lilla: Youll make it. Your Amanda freakin' Padovan!

me: tru

lil' lilla: break a leg sis.

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