Phase 5

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After phase 4 Netero invited all 15 examinees who passed phase 4 to his airship and called them one by one about who they wanted to battle and who they didn't want to battle. After that Netero decided that the examinees will battle because this is the last phase of the exam. The next day Netero showed them who will they battle and the match-ups are:

Gon vs. Hanzo and will see who will win, Gon won and so its Hanzo vs. Pokkle. Hanzo won the battle and then its Megumi vs. Pokkle. Megumi lets Pokkle won the game. After that its Killua vs. Gittaruckur, he is Killua's brother also known as Illumi thats why Killua made a grave mistake. He used pins to changed his face. When the match begins, Illumi reveals himself to his little brother. He mentions that his reason for taking the exam was not only to obtain a license, which he needed for an assassination mission, but also to watch over Killua because of their mother's worries about Killua going off on his own. Illumi then tells his brother that he will never make a good Hunter because he cannot break free of his training as an assassin. He says that Killua's only purpose in life is in killing others, and that he is only a puppet and wants nothing. Having severely disoriented him, he asks what it is that Killua expects from becoming a Hunter. Killua replies that he doesn't really want anything from the Exam, but he does want things and he wants to achieve his goal to see his childhood friend. He wants to stop killing people; it's boring. And now that he met Megumi, he wants to be friends with her. Illumi deems it impossible, since he and his father raised Killua to be a cold-blooded assassin. He also says that if Killua were to stay with Megumi, he'd eventually hurt or even kill her because it's in his nature. Leorio, upset by Illumi's speech, claims that Megumi already views Killua as his friend. Illumi, troubled by this, wants to murder Megumi, but realizes that killing her would break the rules of the Exam. He asks Netero if he would be disqualified if he killed after his match with Killua. Netero replies that his actions wouldn't be breaking any rules, since he would already be considered a licensed Hunter. Illumi tells Killua that he will kill Megumi unless Killua fights him. When Megumi heard all those words she began wanting to kill Illumi. This is a trick question, as the needle in Killua's head makes him unable to attack opponents he cannot defeat, when Killua is about to surrender Megumi quickly hugged him and Killua was shocked. Megumi told Killua "Someone who cannot sacrifice something important to them can never hope to change anything! Thats why Killua you should fight.. You know for the first time we met I thought that your not worth to be living but your not... Killua let me just say this once again.. Will you be my friend?" Killua's,eyes widened and felt happy and told Megumi to stay back cuz he already has the strength to fight all because of Megumi. When Illumi saw this he told Killua that he'll only let him go only this once and then Illumi admitted defeat.

Megumi vs. Illumi was next. The fight goes on, Illumi keeps on torturing Megumi for having friends with Killua. She remembered her childhood and regained her strength to fight, her eyes became scarlet and attacked Illumi. "Killua rejoice this girl would be your future wife, you should be happy" Illumi talking to himself while fighting Megumi. Megumi finishes it with a strong punch and avoided Illumi's face which she actually avoided it. "Killua.. Wanted to ask you if you.. If you even love him or not! Eversince he was born your mother didn't care about you anymore.. Is that.. Is that why you hated him?!" Megumi shouting at Illumi with anger.

After the exam Killua talked to Megumi and said "Megumi thank you so much" then Megumi asked Killua "Why are you thanking me for? I-Idiot!"Killua laughed and went ot to Megumi and kissed her on her forehead Megumi blushed really hard and told him "Your really are an Idiot!" Killua laughed again and asked her "Megumi will you join me in my journeys?" Megumi replied "Sorry Killua but I need to do something thats why I can't join you.. I'm really sorry.."Killua replied "I see then I'll wait for you someday.. Well then see you soon!" Megumi's eyes widened and looked at Killua and then her eyes softened and told Killua "Ya.. See you soon..Killua.." After that they left..Killua, Megumi, Gon, Mai, Hisoka and Akari passed the exam and planned to go on Gon's house except for Megumi and finally a new arc begins.

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