Chapter One

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Just when Lily Potter thought her day couldn't possibly get any worse, it took a turn for the worse.

Rushing through the echoing stone corridors of Hogwarts, Lily cast a frantic glance at her watch. She was already late for her last class of the day—Defence Against the Dark Arts. Fortunately, it was taught by Teddy Lupin, a beloved family friend and a familiar face among the Potter-Weasley clan. Although the idea of Teddy as her teacher still felt a bit surreal, they had all adapted to this unusual dynamic over the past year.

Defence Against the Dark Arts had always been a source of excitement for Lily, even if she often doubted her skills. The weight of her father's legacy loomed large, casting shadows over her confidence. But at least she had her best friend, Charlie Longbottom, sitting alongside her to share in the challenges of the subject.

With determination, Lily pushed open the heavy double doors, her heart racing in time with her hurried footsteps. Instantly, the classroom fell silent; every head turned in her direction, eyes wide with surprise. Heat flooded her cheeks, turning her face a light cherry red that clashed with her vibrant hair. She quickly dropped her gaze, desperate to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

"Ah, Lily, nice of you to join us," Teddy called out, a playful grin spreading across his face.

"Sorry, I had a meeting with McGonagall," she replied, the words spilling out with a hint of guilt. It wasn't entirely untrue, but the truth felt heavier in her heart.

"Not a problem. Just take a seat; we're about to start," he reassured her, his warm tone easing her embarrassment slightly.

Lily slid into the seat beside Charlie, who lounged back with an easy confidence, his tousled light brown hair catching the soft classroom light. Halfway through the lesson, he leaned closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Psst, Lily, why were you with the headmistress?"

A flutter of anxiety stirred in her chest; Charlie had an uncanny ability to extract secrets. "Don't worry, I'll tell you later, okay?" she whispered, trying to suppress the nervous tremor in her voice. The flicker of concern on his face only added to her discomfort.

The rest of the class blurred together in a whirlwind of Teddy's animated teaching style. His passion for the subject was infectious as he delved into the complexities of battling dark creatures.

"If you ever find yourself facing a Dementor, you can use the Patronus charm," he instructed, his gestures dramatic and captivating. "The incantation is 'Expecto Patronum.' Say it with me!"

"Expecto Patronum," the class muttered in unison, their enthusiasm waning as the bell rang, releasing them from the spell of his lecture.

"Righto! That's it for today. Don't forget to write one page on the effects of a Dementor's kiss and their role guarding Azkaban!" Teddy concluded, clearly still buzzing with excitement.

"Finally!" Charlie huffed as he rose from his seat, stretching and shoving his textbooks into his shoulder bag. Lily couldn't help but chuckle at his exaggerated relief, knowing that Teddy was just deeply enthusiastic about his job.

As they walked out of the classroom, Charlie turned to her, his expression suddenly serious. "So, why were you with McGonagall?"

With the hallway now less crowded, Lily sighed, finally giving in. "Look, don't tell anyone, but... since I'm taking a lot of classes this year, some of them overlap. McGonagall thought it would be a good idea to give me a Time-Turner." She pointed to the large hourglass pendant that hung around her neck, its gold chain glinting under the flickering lights.

"Really? So, you go back in time to take the classes?" Charlie grimaced, then snickered, clearly amused at the thought. "Lily, you're my best friend, but seriously, why the bloody hell do you want to go back in time JUST TO TAKE CLASSES?"

"Maybe it has something to do with wanting to achieve things on my own merits, not just because I'm Harry Potter's daughter," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Just because you're his daughter doesn't mean you have to stretch yourself so thin, though, Lils." His reasoning was gentle, but it struck a chord, causing her cheeks to flush. She liked it when he called her "Lils," a rare nickname that made her feel special.

"Look, I've got to go now. See you later," Charlie said, offering a quick wave before darting off down the corridor.


**Three Months Later**

It was Christmas Eve at the Burrow, and the atmosphere buzzed with warmth and laughter. By "everyone," it meant the whole extended family: Teddy, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, James, Albus, Lily, Rose, Hugo, Roxanne, Fred II, Molly II, Lucy—and, of course, the ever-reliable Charlie Longbottom.

With the adults—Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Hannah—busy wrapping last-minute gifts in the kitchen, Teddy and Victoire had taken charge of the younger crowd. But even now, Teddy found it challenging to manage the boisterous group of teens. The air was filled with laughter, arguments, and the occasional shriek, echoing against the Burrow's cozy walls.

"Come on, everyone! Let's keep it down a bit!" Teddy called, though his voice was more of a friendly plea than an authoritative command. His relationship with Victoire complicated things; the kids saw him more as a friend than a figure of authority.

"Yeah, right! I'm not doing what Teddy says. He's a loon!" James declared, earning a swift clip on the ear from his mother, who appeared just in time to hear him.

As the evening progressed, just before dinner, Lily wandered through the warm corridors of the Burrow, lost in thought. Suddenly, she heard a peculiar noise coming from upstairs. Curiosity piqued, she hurried up the staircase, only to find James standing there, dangling her Time-Turner between his fingers.

"James, if you touch that, I swear on Merlin, I'll blast your head off!" Lily exclaimed, rushing forward, panic clawing at her throat.

"Whoa! How did you get this?" James asked, a mix of astonishment and mischief in his eyes.

Ignoring his question, Lily lunged toward him. "Give it back!"

In a moment of reflex, James stumbled back, and the Time-Turner slipped from his grasp. It hit the floor with a loud clatter, and Lily's heart sank.

"Oh no! Look what you did! YOU broke it!" she shouted, dread filling her voice.

"Broke what?" James asked, but it was too late.

In an instant, the room erupted in a whirl of grey smoke, swirling and thickening, engulfing everything in