Chapter One

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"No way I cant go in there, what if I faint or throw up or both" I said digging my heels into the carpet. "Look Mollie you have to, don't be silly you will be fine" Sam said shoving my through the door as I fell flat on my face. I heard an amused laugh as I stumbled up and smoothed my dress, "Here take this" Sam said handing my the jug of water and a glass. My hands shook as I walked over to the person adjusting their makeup in the mirror, "Excuse me, I Erm. I'm your server tonight. I have your Erm water, Erm sir" I stuttered getting all tongue tied.

Sort it out Mollie its not professional I thought to myself. I placed the glass on the side and placed the jug next to it. I turned to walk out as I heard a voice "Thank you." The voice was smooth as chocolate as my stomach knotted up and I froze to the spot. "You're w-w-w-welcome" I answered attempting not to stammer and failing miserably. I face palmed myself and practically ran out of the room. "So how was it?" Sam asked running over to me as I dried up the glassed, "Catastrophic I couldn't even get my words out and I fell flat on my face, I looked like a total idiot" I said shoving the glasses in the rack.

"I told you that you shouldn't have worn heels" she laughed. "Shut up you" I said throwing the tea towel at her. She rolled it into a ball and threw it in my face and ran. I rolled my eyes and loaded the dishwasher up again, I rummaged in my bag for my lip-gloss as I pulled out a letter. I sat down at the bar and opened it, it had final demand lettered over it. It was for the electric, we owed them a heck of a lot of money. I sighed and screwed it up throwing it in my bag, "Another one?" Sam asked appearing next to me.

"Yeah electric, we need to start paying these off or we are officially screwed" I said. "Well we can deal with it later come on we are about to open" she said. "Evening ladies" my boss said appearing out of his office. "Evening Joe" Sam said, Joe smiled at me it was the type of smile that makes your skin crawl. "And how are you today Mollie" he asked smiling at me, I shuddered and smiled back at him "fine thanks Joe" I answered.

Anyway I guess I had better fill you in, My name is Mollie Berry. Im 17 years old and live with my doofus of a best friend Sam. We live in downtown new York, its well know for being rundown and known for crime. Don't we all know it, we've had windows smashed, stuff nicked etc. We all work at Joes in now York, its a bar basically. But even with what we earn we cant keep on top of all the bills. Final demand after final demand keep falling through the letterbox, we are in serious need of winning the lottery. Tonight we have a performer in, Its none other than Adam Lambert. I am totally nuts about him, but I cant stop fangirling about the fact he's here.

Sam is great she's the same age as me, with blonde curls and blue eyes. She's a pretty girl, tight dresses and heels kinda girl you know. Me on the other hand I've got black hair and green eyes, im what you would call scene. Im more comfortable in converse but tonight I wore heels and almost broke my neck in the process. Joe is my boss, he has some major crush on me. He keeps chatting me up and trying to touch my ass, the thought of him thinking of me in that way makes me feel sick to my stomach he's a total creep.

Later that night..

I was standing at the bar washing up glasses as the stage dimmed and a spotlight came up. Ooh this was it, Adam was going to sing. I practically jumped up and down when the chords from better than I know myself started playing. Sam smiled at me, she was a crazy about him as me. "Oh my gosh he's going to sing!" she screamed. "I know its amazing" I said jumping up and down with excitement.

He started to sing as everyone cheered, I sang along with him. He looked freaking hot, black jeans (like major tight ones), a black shirt, blue tie and heeled boots. His hair was quiffed up, blonde tips buried in black and his diamond earring glinting in the light. "Oh my ra he looks so sexy!" I squealed as I leant on the bar with Sam. "Tell me about it he's just beyond hot" she replied, I was mesmerised by him. His stage presence was just phenomenal, the way he wowed the crowd. He looked over at me and winked as I pretty much died on the spot, I saw him smile and carry on.

His show set came to an end as everyone went crazy, he bowed and walked off stage. Everyone filtered onto the dance floor, I grabbed the rubbish bag and headed outside singing If I had you quietly to myself. I threw the bag in the big dumpster out the back, as I got to the chorus I really went for it. I heard someone clap, stopping me mid line. I looked behind me and saw Adam standing in the doorway, "oh god no" I whispered blushing furiously.

"That was very good you know, oh and how's your knee" he asked. "Thanks.. my knee.. you saw that.. what was I saying again" I said. A smile fell over his lips, "What's your name?" he asked. "My name.. Oh my you're hot.. oh crap.. my names Mollie" I said realising I just called him hot. He laughed "so you think im hot?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "No.. I mean. yes.. I mean.. you are just.. drop dead gorgeous" I said mentally face palming. "Oh really that's good to know" he smiled, "Yeah... I ..  have to go.. bye" I said running up the corridor hiding under my hair.

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