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We kept hugging each other for about 10 minutes in peaceful silence, and my big smile still wouldn't leave my face.

But that's when I noticed that something was missing. Rather a certain someone.

Camila wasn't here, but where was she?
I was very tired because of today's events so I decided that I was going to bed. I went upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I put on my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and this proved the feeling I had. I didn't only feel horribly tired, I also looked horribly tired.

Sighing, I made my way to the bedroom again and decided that I would shower in the morning.

I was lying in bed, all the lights were out. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 3 AM. My feeling from earlier this night was right, it was very late.

Normani, Dinah and Ally were probably going to some disco. They usually go out every Friday night, and today, it happens to be Friday.

Camila and I don't like partying at all, so we usually try to entertain ourselves by reading a book, or watching tv. But it was never the 2 of us together when Dinah, Ally and Normani were going out. Either she was watching tv, or I was. We never did anything together on a Friday night. When you think about it, it's pretty weird. We usually do everything together.

Suddenly, it hit me. If Dinah, Ally and Normani were in a disco, Camila had to be somewhere in the house. The thought actually made me sick in my stomach, because of what happened today. She kissed me, and then left me. I still wanted to know why she left me there, and why she looked so anxious.

Before I knew what I was doing, I already stood in front of her bedroom door. I heard something unusual. I didn't hear her play loud music, I heard silent sobs.

Camila was crying. But why? I found myself tear up at the sound of her crying. I didn't know what to do. Should I open the door and ask her why she is crying? Or should I just leave?

Apparently, my feet knew what to do. Before my brain could react, I had already opened her bedroom door.

And there she was, a very broken Camila. She was curled up in a ball, in the middle of her bed. She was still wearing the same clothes she was wearing to the restaurant earlier today, her hair was still wild and her room was trashed. Her room is usually always neat, but this time, it certainly wasn't. Pieces of shattered glass lay on the floor and clothes were spread all over the room.

I got more worried instantly. Camila usually doesn't behave like this. I have never seen her like this before. The need to comfort her grew more and more. I know that I actually should be mad at her, but if it is Camila we're talking about, I feel the need to make her feel good again.

I didn't even know why I wasn't freaking out. This was the weirdest and most scary day of my life, and a sad Camila wouldn't make my day any better.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice that I just stood there, in the middle of her room, without speaking a single word. But she hadn't noticed me yet, gladly.

I knew I had to say at least something, but I didn't know what. She was crying, very uncontrollably and very hard. I just didn't know what to do.

The next thing I knew, I said the first thing that had came into my mind, which wasn't very smart...

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And if you have time, and you can read books in Dutch, go check out JudeOneil her book please!!😍
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In Love With My Band Mate - a Camren love storyWhere stories live. Discover now