E P I S O D E 3-Unexpected Guest-

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Author's POV

"But for me a man who cries infront of others is not a loser because of how they show their tears at others, But they're brave enough to show their true feelings and burst everything out to other people..."

Those words lingers in Jimin's head, A smile appears on his face,"Aigoo you must be happy..." Jungkook rise one eyebrow as he looks at Jimin who is smiling like an idiot,"Well hehe its my wedding day today ofc I'm happy..." Jimin said, Its only a week Jimin had broken up with Minji but with Yeon Ah's support, Those bitter sweet memories just goes away, Jin fix Jimin's tie and tap both his shoulders,"Breathe, Don't be nervous, Just think that she's the only one there watching you..." Jin said, Jimin nods and breathe in heavily.

Yeon Ah was waiting in the room while holding the flowers in her hand, She hums a melody but that didn't even work,"Fine!" She exclaims and stood on her feet, She took off her heels and started to dance like an idiot in the room,"Waka waka eh eh!" She sang along and twerks, She hollers like no one's watching until the door opens, Which cause her to trip and fall on her bum,"Ow!" She whines,"What in the world are you doing?" Suga ask as he looks at Yeon Ah, He pulls Yeon Ah up and she stoods on her feet,"I'm just releasing my nervousness..." She sigh,"I guess your way in losing your nervousness is way more odd than Jimin's..." Suga said, Yeon Ah's face lits up as he heard that name,"What did he do?" She ask, Suga sat on the seat with Yeon Ah,"Well..."

Jimin had his left leg on Jungkook's shoulder, He clasp both his hands and breathe in then breathe out,"Inner peace~" Jimin breathed out, Jungkook have a derp face on as he looks at Jimin,"Hyung are you don--""Shhh, Inner peace~" Jimin said as he cuts off Jungkook, Jungkook groans and pouts, The door swung open revealing Mr Park, Jimin falls to the side due to shock,"Ouch!" He groans, Mr. Park had his eyebrows squinted,"Son... Just what on earth are you doing?" Mr. Park ask as he looks at Jimin who is on the floor, Jungkook help him stood up and he dust off his tux,"Well... Inner peace~" Jimin said calmly again, Mr. Park laughed so hard that tears just forms at the corner of his eyes,"Aah abeoji, Please don't laugh at me..." Jimin pouts,"Arasseo, Mianhae." Mr. Park said but he still somehow laugh alittle, Jimin is waiting for what his father wanted to say,"Its time Jimin..." His father said, Jimin's heart race so fast,"No pressure hyung, Pascal is not harsh on you right now." Jungkook said,"Ya don't put physics into this thing..." J-hope said,"Walk as if no one's watching... Just imagine that she's there by your side holding your hand." Jin said, V took a pitcure of Jimin, Jimin nods and walks out from the room.

Jimin was waiting patiently on the altar, his palms are sweaty eventhough the Air conditioner is freaking cold, He pressed both his lips while humming some small melody, Suddenly a huge creak can be heard as the huge door was opened drawing the attentions of all audience, Jimin's jaw drops as he saw an angel walking towards his way, He smiles at the sight

Jimin was waiting patiently on the altar, his palms are sweaty eventhough the Air conditioner is freaking cold, He pressed both his lips while humming some small melody, Suddenly a huge creak can be heard as the huge door was opened drawing the at...

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Yeon Ah look at Jimin and she smiles back, Jimin can't wait so he went down the altar and went up to her, He looks at Mr. Min,"May I?" He ask, Mr. Min smiles,"My pleasure..." Mr. Min hands Yeon Ah to Jimin, And Yeon Ah wrapped her hand around Jimin's arm, They both walks towards the altar while hearing some squeals of how sweet Jimin is and how good looking they both are, They both stands on the altar while facing the priest, The priest started to read up some verse from the bible (A/N: Sorry guyseu, If I didn't state what the priest were saying cause I'm not a christian😅) And last but not least the priest then ask them,"Park Jimin, do you take Min Yeon Ah for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest ask, Jimin confidently answer,"I do!" He exclaims with excitement, The priest then turn to look at Yeon Ah, Who had her face covered with a veil,"Min Yeon Ah, do you take Park Jimin for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest ask, repeating the same question, Yeon Ah look at Jimin and make eye contact with him, She smile,"I do..." She said,"May the Lord bless these rings, which you will give to each other
as the sign of your love and fidelity." The priest said,"Amen." Yeon Ah and Jimin said, Jimin slid the ring onto Yeon Ah's ring finger and Yeon Ah did the same to Jimin,"I here by pronounced you both as husbands and wife, now you may kiss the bride..." The priest said, Jimin pulls up Yeon Ah's veil and slowly leans himself forward for a kiss, Their lips came in contact for the first time and Jimin wrap his arms around her waist, The crowd stoods up as they claps their hands in joy and some even whistles, They both pulls apart and bows at the priest then turns to look at the crowd and bows at them, Their smile were filled with joy until Jimin's face turns blank to see Minji standing by the crowd clapping her hands while looking at Jimin, She have a painful smile on her face, Jimin was lost for words,"Oppa, Gwaenchanha?" Yeon Ah ask as she looks at Jimin who have a startled expression, Jimin looks down at Yeon Ah,"Oh yes, I'm fine..." Jimin smiles, He looks back at Minji's direction and she was gone,'Maybe I'm just day dreaming, Why would she be here anyway...' Jimin thoughts, He shook his head trying to shook those thoughts and image away, For him the pain of her leaving him is enough, he don't want the pain of remembering her comes back to him.

That night they both held a congratulary party at a hotel, Lots of guests came and congratulate them,"Oppa, I'll be going to the restroom first..." Yeon Ah whispers in Jimin's ears, Jimin pouts,"Don't take too long okay?" Jimin said, Yeon Ah giggles and nods. Mr. Min approached Jimin,"Jimin..." He calls, Jimin turns around and smiles,"Ah, Mr. Min..." He said,"Aigoo, Just call me Abeoji, You're my son in law now..." Mr. Min said, Jimin blush alittle and he scratch the back of his neck,"Ne Abeoji..." He said, Mr. Min smiles and he tap Jimin's shoulder,"I know marriage life is hard at first but..." Mr. Min paused and looks at Jimin's eyes, He smiles,"I hope you can take care of my daughter, Jimin..." Mr. Min said, Jimin smiles,"You can trust me Abeoji, I promise you that I will take care of her and make her happy..." Jimin said with a confident tone and a big smile, Mr. Min laughed lightly,"Aigoo, You really are a grown man, Jimin, Well, Congratulations for your wedding and hope your married life will go well..." Mr. Min said and left to a group of elderly men, Jimin smiles and then felt a hand tap his shoulder,"Jagiya you're--" Jimin turns around with a big smile but then it falls to see Minji standing right behind him,"M-Minji..." He stutters,"I see you're doing well with Yeon Ah..." Minji said, Jimin was speecheless he thought that he was just hallucinating but actually he's not,"Congratulations Jimin..." Minji said, Jimin came back to his sense,"Oh uh, Thanks..." Jimin said, Suddenly Yeon Ah appears besides him,"Oh Minji Seonsaengnim." Yeon Ah said with a big smile,"Annyeong Yeon Ah-yah, Thank you for inviting me here..." Minji said, Yeon Ah smiles widely,"Here, Meet my husband, Jimin, I guess you both have known each other since I see you guys are like close?" Yeon Ah ask,"Yeah we are close..." Minji said,"Ahh geurae.." Yeon Ah said,"BTW, Did you just said she's your teacher?" Jimin ask as he looks at Yeon Ah,"Yeah, She's my ballet teacher around 2 years ago but right now, I quit ballet cause... Boring." Yeon Ah rise both her eyebrows, Minji laughed and pinch Yeon Ah's cheeks,"Aigoo, Its not because of boring, I know you quit ballet its because you sprain your ankle while practising on being the swan." Minji said, Yeon Ah grinned and scratch the back of her hair,"Well seonsaengnim, Please, Come in, Welcome to the party." Yeon Ah said,"Well thank you, I'll be looking around now..." Minji bows and left, Jimin looks at Minji walking away, A guy approach Minji,"So thats her new boyfriend huh?" Yeon Ah ask,"What?" Jimin looks at Yeon Ah,"Well I heard she broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated on her... I'm glad that she can get over him and find a new man." Yeon Ah said, Jimin frowns and suddenly remove Yeon Ah's hand from his arm, Yeon Ah look at him,"O-oppa, Gwaenchanha? Did I said something wrong?" Yeon Ah ask,"No, I'm just tired, I need to get back to the hotel room..." Jimin said,"Do you want me to assist you?" Yeon Ah ask, Jimin shook his head,"I can go by myself..." Jimin said, Yeon Ah felt worried,"Remember... The agreement..." Jimin mutters, '4. Obey what the husband wants.' Yeon Ah sigh and nods, Jimin left the hall, Yeon Ah stood there feeling down,"Aish, Did I said something wrong?" Yeon Ah ask,"Look Minji, No! Please! Don't leave me!" That word came in her head, That name,"It couldn't be..." Yeon Ah look at Minji's direction with a startled look,"Aniya, Minji Seonsaengnim couldn't be the one..." She shook her head,"But..." She paused and frowns,"Yeah we are close..." "They both are close, As if they knew each other for years." She mutters, She looks at Minji,"But she got cheated by her boyfriend while Jimin got cheated by his girlfriend... That doesn't make sense at all..." She mutters again until someone poke her cheeks from behind,"Yo." She turns around and there stood Suga with the others,"Where's Jimin?" V ask,"Aah he went back to our hotel room." Yeon Ah said,"Why are you still here then?" Namjoon ask, Yeon Ah frowns,"What do you mean?" She ask,"You should grab this chance." Jungkook said,"Huh?" Yeon Ah ask still confused about what they were saying,"You know that this is considered as your first night, Go grab the chance girl." J-hope said, Yeon Ah blushed,"No, I'm not ready to be jump on." She said, Suga place both his hand on both her shoulders,"Baby girl, This is a rare chance, If you lose it tonight, It would be hard for you to get it next time..." Suga said, Yeon Ah sigh,"Whatever you guys think of, I'm tired, I'll be going back to my room." Yeon Ah said and walks out from the hall,"Aish, I want both of them to have babies..." Jungkook said,"Jeon Jungkook?" Jin looks at Jungkook,"Ne ne, No nasty thinking, Eomma..." Jungkook said,"Good." Jin said,"Strong power, Thank you." Namjoon said and all of them laugh so hard.

Yeon Ah enters her room and saw Jimin in bed, He didn't even took off everything and she know that suit is pretty uncomfortable to be sleep in, She took off her heels and walks towards him, She took off his shoes and slowly lift him up to take off his blazers,"Urgh why are you so heavy?" She sigh, She loosen his tie and unbutton his upper shirt, She don't want to unbutton all cause it might be weird if he open his eyes to see his shirt was undone, She stood up as she unzip her dress and lets it fall down to her ankle, She picks her dress up, She don't even care the fact that she's only in her undergarments cause Jimin is totaly knocked out...



"I love you..."

"Is this our house?"

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