Part 11: Jenny vs Mother

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Jenny: Connor!!

Connor: What now Jenny?

Jenny: I want to get fostered!

Connor: All ready?! What about your mum?!

Jenny: She don't know...

Connor: I've rang your mum.

Jenny: What did she say?

Connor: She would like to meet up and talk about things.

Jenny: Meet up?! I haven't seen her in years! Assign me for fostering!

Connor: It doesn't work like that Jenny!

*Jenny storms upstairs*

Sally: Well that was great.

Connor: I don't want to tell her when her mum is here.

Sally: Neither do I!

Connor: Shall we let the kids do it?

Sally: They would be running out that door. Heads or Tails.

Connor: Tails.

Sally: What ever it lands on has to tell Jenny when her mum is here.

•Flips Coin•

Sally: Haha! Tails, you lose!

Connor: Re-Match?

Sally: No!

Connor: Wait...

•Luke walks in•

Connor: Could you tell Jenny when her mum is here?

Luke: Sure thing

•Luke Exits•

Sally: Now that's just evil. He's new!

Connor: He's gotta cope with this place!

Sally: Whatever you say...

*Ding Dong*

Sally: She's here already?!

Connor: She's very eager!

Luke: Is this my cue?

Sally: Yes! No go!

•Luke runs upstairs•

Connor: Wait who's answering the door?

•Ding Dong•

Connor: Tails!

• Flips Coin•

Sally: Tails Again!

Connor: Urgh!

*Connor Opens the door*

Mildred: Hi! Wow you look so young Mr Higham.

Connor: Erm.. Thanks?

Peach: Who's this?

Mildred: Who are you more like?

Sally: This is Peach.

Mildred: Mildred, Jenny's Mum.

Peach: Jenny's Mum?!

Mildred: Yes.

*Luke comes down with Jenny*

Sally: Peach, could you?

Peach: Oh yeah. Bye. Enjoy.

*Peach leaves*

Jenny: Mum?

Mildred: How's my gorgeous daughter?  Want to go to the park?

Jenny: I'm not a baby.

Mildred: True, you've grown up.

Jenny: Yh! But you wasn't their to see that. You never visited for my birthday! You never sent a card! God knows you could of been dead and I wouldn't know! 

*All the other foster kids watch from the kitchen*

Jenny: No email, text, letter. NOTHING! What sort of mum are you? I could give you 1000 questions about me and you would get them ALL wrong because I've been with Connor and Sally more than you! They know me more than you! Instead of other people fostering  me or you mum because your never ready! Who would it be better to foster me than you Connor or Sally or even you Luke!

Mildred: I guess this was the wrong time. Maybe I wish I was never you're mum!

Connor: Oi!

Jenny: Good, I would love to have someone else. It's not like you looked after me! I could of died by how I ended up here because of you leaving me home alone all the time and you leaving the cooker on 24/7.


Jessie: File Exposed!

*Sally turns around*

Sally: Oi Oi Oi! Everyone in the garden!

•Locks them in the garden•

Jessie: Were missing the beef!

Peach: Oh. I can make us see it!

•Run around the front garden•


Jenny: I wish you burnt up in flames! Like you tried to do to me!

*Mildred leaves*

Ben: Yeah leave!

Cat: Go away!

Jade: Never treat her bad again!

Sally: Oi Oi! What did I say!!??

*Everyone goes to their room*

*Jenny, Luke, Connor and Sally are in the office*

Luke: Nice of you stepping up.

Sally: Yeah but maybe little less bad things said yeah?

Jenny: It was that or the lock in the cellar! Ahaha

*Everyone laughs*

Jenny: Am I getting adopted or fostered by you lot?

Connor: I'm afraid not.

Luke: We could assign you to Fostering or adopting now?

Jenny: I would like that.

{End Of Part 11}

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